For this last part of your research, you will look at the business environment in your assigned city/area. Cities, counties and states often try to attract new business by offering things like tax bre

Amazon HQ2 Project, Spring 2020

BUS 163

Professor Cuadra, Tacoma Community College

Amazon HQ2 Project, Part C – Business Environment

Please research and address these items, below. Be sure to use up to date resources – nothing should be older than 2016 (although, taxes may have been instituted prior to this but must still be in effect).

Business Environment (50 point)

  1. What is the business tax structure for your area? Include business tax rates, head tax/employee tax, B&O taxes, E&O taxes, sales tax rates, local and state income tax rates (in other words, you will have to look at the state website, as well as the city website, for your city). Your city/county may have all of these or some of these. Many cities do not have a B&O tax – but, it is sometimes called a “head tax”.

  2. Find information on how “business friendly” your community is considered. Here, you want two sources: one that is your city’s official website. Guess what, they will all say this is a great place to do business! The other source should be a respected business journal or magazine, such as Forbes, which will provide unbiased opinions and fact.

  3. Look for tax credit programs and/or offerings for your area. Many cities will give a company tax credits for locating their business in that city. Sometimes, this can be county or statewide (so you need to look at the websites for city, county, and state).

  4. Does the local/area government, or state, offer free land/reduced price land to attract new businesses?

BUS 163 Spring 2020 Professor Cuadra

Tacoma Community College