Class: Health Data Management Assignment: Policy on PMR's in the Health Record Note: This is a Work Policy and Procedure not a paper. Please see Sample Policy and Procedure on Attachment file and addi

Week 10 Assignment, Rubric, and Lesson Content.docx

Class: Health Data Management

Assignment: Policy on PMR's in the Health Record

Note: This is a Work Policy and Procedure not a paper. Please see Sample Policy and Procedure below.

The use of Personal Health Records by patients continues to grow. Healthcare organizations are needing to develop policies on how to best leverage the use of this information for patient care in the continuum of care, this can include specific Personal Health Records maintained through an electronic system or can be actual records from other healthcare providers.

Select policies, procedures and guidelines provided for you below or may research policies, guidelines and standards on your own to use as a benchmark. Review your selected policies, procedures and guidelines and select the information after comparing those resources that you will include in your policy and write your policy on Personal Health Records.

Your policy should be sure to address the following:

  • What is a Personal Health record,

  • Is the PHR a part of the legal health record of your organization

  • How can it be used by patients, providers and organizations

  • What are the privacy, security and confidentiality issues

  • What are the management of information and ownership issues

  • What are the maintenance issues relating to PHR

One source you may want to consider is A Report Recommendation from the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, Personal Health Records and Personal Health Record Systems.

If the above link will not open by clicking on it, please copy & paste to the hyperlink below into web browser to open.

The completed typed policy should be 1-3 pages. If you use a source for the policy, state the source at the end of the policy under a heading titled references which must be in APA format with In-text citations.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates. Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


Module 10 Course Project - Policy on PMR?s in the Health Record



Policy addresses the following:

  • What is a Personal Health record,

  • Is the PHR a part of the legal health record of your organization

  • How can it be used by patients, providers and organizations

  • What are the privacy, security and confidentiality issues

  • What are the management of information and ownership issues

  • What are the maintenance issues relating to PHR


Applies correct spelling, grammar, and a consistent policy format is used



Lesson Content:

  • AHIMA. "The Role of the Personal Health Record in the EHR (Updated). Journal of the AHIMA. (November 2010). Link to article.

  • AHIMA. "Defining the Personal Health Information Management Role." Journal of AHIMA. (June 2008) Link to article.

  • AHIMA. "Everything You Wanted to Know About the PHR and More!" AHIMA's 77th National Convention and Exhibit Proceedings, October 2005. Link to article.

Immunizations, Lab Results, and More

Personal health records - we all have copies of health information. It may be a computerized print out from a clinic visit, or it may be a letter from a physician with lab and radiology results during a yearly exam. If you have children, you may have copies of when they received their immunizations. Or if you have done any traveling outside the United States, you have an immunization record. A collection of this information is the start of a personal health record.

If you have a chronic health condition, you will have more information. For example, someone with a chronic kidney disease may keep lab results from year to year to make certain the kidney functions are stable and compare this laboratory data from year to year. A diabetic may record their blood sugar results daily to bring to their physician for medication adjustments. These are also personal health records.

There are jobs that require yearly tuberculin skin tests and there are jobs that require hearing tests. People working in manufacturing jobs, for example, are exposed to high noise levels, and their employer has these employees tested. Many of these employees keep copies of these test results in their own personal health records.

How a person keeps this information is entirely up to them. The older people probably keep paper copies in a file folder. The younger person probably keeps them on a computer program, so no paper is stored. We all have some information on our health concerns. It may be for only a short period of time or it may be for a longer length of time.