The objective of this assignment is for you to assess the competitiveness of a country in the global marketplace based on the Schwab categories and pillars. Schwab, K. (2018). The Global Competitive R
The objective of this assignment is for you to assess the competitiveness of a country in the global marketplace based on the Schwab categories and pillars.
Schwab, K. (2018). The Global Competitive Report 2018. World Economic Forum.
For your assigned country analyze the competitive position of each country using Schwab categories and pillars.
My assigned country is – Republic of Korea (S. Korea)
Research data. Do not hesitate to analyze or explain the data, and the assumptions underlying the data.
At no time, or no way should you violate academic integrity. Please be keenly aware that you will be found out and the entire paper can receive a zero. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the team to demand to review sources and check for plagiarism.
This is not a Q&A paper, although you will be evaluated on whether you have failed to address any issues. Create a cohesive paper that connects all the points with a proper introduction and conclusion.
There must in-text citations and a reference page. Data tables can be placed at the end of the paper. They must be appropriately numbered and sourced. The body of the paper should make a reference to the data, where appropriate.
The paper must follow the APA style for the structure, spacing, etc. All references must also be in APA style. There is a link in Modules with a link for APA information.
Explain the categories and pillars of measuring national competitiveness
Analyze the designated country in terms of each of the pillars
Explain the grading associated with the indices by synthesizing your analysis of population characteristic, trade, technology, foreign investment, income distribution to national competitiveness?
What conclusions have you come to regarding this country?
Based on your analysis what the country’s long term prospects and how should it prioritize its investments.