Class: Health Data Management Assignment: Evaluation of Indiana Health Information Exchange Network The Indiana Health Information Exchange Network “ (” is the largest

Week 10 Assignment, Rubric, and Lesson Content

Class: Health Data Management

Assignment: Evaluation of Indiana Health Information Exchange Network

The Indiana Health Information Exchange Network “ (” is the largest HIE in the country.

Research the Indiana HIE Network at the above website and address the following in 3 pages. Answer the questions in your own words, do not cut and paste information from the website.

  • What services or solutions are offered by the IHIE? (1 page)

  • What are some of the benefits to the community that the IHIE offers? (1 page)

  • This is a very successful HIE. As you research the website, what attributes do you see that contribute to this success? (1 page)

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document.


Module 10: Written Assignment



Students list services/solutions offered by the IHIE (1 page)


Students list benefits to the community that IHIE offers (1 page)


Students list attributes that contribute to IHIE’s success (1 page)


Correct grammar, spelling. Paper is in student’s own words, not cut and pasted from website.




Lesson Content:

What is a Health Information Exchange?

The questions below will help to explain what a Health Information Exchange is and how it can be used.

Why were Health Information Exchanges created and what purpose do they serve?

Health Information Exchanges were created so that healthcare data can be shared between healthcare facilities. The goal is for Health Information Exchanges to be built statewide and eventually connect at the national level.

How are HIEs created?

It takes a great amount of work to create a Health Information Exchange. Typically, a governing body is in charge of the creation process and it employs people in many capacities to work on the project. All members in these meetings need to decide what data fields will be shared and the definition of each of the data fields. They need to decide how the data fields will be sent to the receiving application, which is be the Electronic Health Record application that will be used by all parties to read the data.

How are HIEs maintained?

HIEs are maintained by the same governing body that was involved in their creation. Support staff monitors the HIE and addresses issues as they arise. Since HIEs are highly dependent on interfaces running between the healthcare facilities, they must be closely watched. There are users from each healthcare facility that will be accessing the EHR application, as well, and if they experience an issue they will need to have a designated support staff member to call.

Does an Electronic Health Record application need to be selected for an HIE?

Yes, each HIE requires an EHR application to be selected. Sometimes the governing body that creates and maintains the HIE will create their own unique Electronic Health Record application that is used in conjunction with the HIE. Other times the governing body of the HIE will select an external vendor's EHR application to use. The EHR application is what allows end users to view the shared data within the HIE.

What are the benefits of having a statewide HIE?

The major benefit of an HIE is the ability to share data among healthcare facilities within a defined geographical area. If a patient sees a healthcare provider at any location within the geographical area, regardless of whether the patient has been seen there before, that organization will have access to the patient's health information via the HIE, enabling better patient care.

Are HIEs required?

Yes, each state is required to create a Health Information Exchange as part of the National Healthcare Reform legislation.

HIE PowerPoint

Here is a link to a slide show created by AHIMA that explains in greater detail the definition and purposes of a Health Information Exchange.