Security Awareness - You are the new CISO for an organization that has had several breaches, most of which occurred due to vulnerabilities in employee awareness. Create an original security awareness

   Security Awareness

With the increase in technology, network security has become one of the most crucial aspects. Good network security helps the organization to protect from the attacks. It is designed to protect a network from unauthorized access. It is essential to inspect the concept of virtualization as a security officer I am responsible to minimize the efforts. I will implement virtualization in my workplace environment. The main goal of virtualization is to manage the workloads, which also helps to reduce the administrative tasks and improves the scalability. Many virtual machines can be created on a host. It helps to increase employee productivity, which results in better accessibility and the risk of losing data will be reduced.

Network address translation (NAT) helps to provides a degree of security by allowing private IP addresses to be used on a public internet and limits the number of IP addresses that an organization needs (Bulgurcu & et al., 2010). It provides firewall security by hiding internal IP addresses (Hanus & et al., 2016). The necessary simple type of NAT provides a one-to-one translation of IP addresses, but most of them were mapped to multiple private hosts. Network translation involves a private network (Peikari & Banazdeh, 2019). This private addressing works well when the computer has access to resources inside the system. Network security hardware provides more protection than the standard networking devices. Standard network devices include bridges, switches, routers, load balancers and proxies based on functions they can be classified into OSI layers.

Now a day’s web applications have security problems, so it is essential to check data received from unknown sources before using it. Before sending the data, the user could easily alter the markup and even can use some applications to send unexpected data to avoid such kind of problems input validation is one of the productive processes to make sure input data is safe. Two most dangerous and common attacks cause in web environment they are SQL injection and cross-site scripting, which enables attackers to inject client-side script into web pages. It is recommendable to maintain a log file that helps to record the events that occur in the operating systems or other system software. These log files are also known as event-logs, audit records. Log monitoring system manages the network activities, user actions and even system events. Logs act as a red flag before something terrible is happening, so it’s essential to turn on records in the system.


Bulgurcu, B., Cavusoglu, H., & Benbasat, I. (2010). Information Security Policy Compliance: An Empirical Study of Rationality-Based Beliefs and Information Security Awareness. MIS Quarterly, 34(3), 523-A7.

Hanus, B., & Wu, Y. “Andy.” (2016). Impact of Users’ Security Awareness on Desktop Security Behavior: A Protection Motivation Theory Perspective. Information Systems Management, 33(1), 2–16.

Peikari, H. R., & Banazdeh, B. (2019). The Relationship between Information Security Awareness and the Intention to Violate Information Security with the Mediating Role of Individual Norms and Self-control. Security & Social Order Strategic Studies, 7(4), 7–9.