Health History Paper - APA 7th Edition with in text citation and Reference Page - NO PLAGIARISM Make up an individual (not a patient), utilizing the name Jane Doe or John Doe for the purpose of this p

Pulling together your RUA for NR 302

• There are three parts to the NR 302 RUA. The health history assessment is worth 50 points. Your

reflection is worth 40 points. And last but certainly not least, the style and organization of your

paper are worth 10 points.

• Be sure to look at the NR 302 He alth Assessment I RUA Health History Guidelines before you

start this assignment. Pay close attention to the rubric…it is how your paper will be graded.

• Write up your health history assessment findings using a narrative format whic h means full

sentences put together in a paragraph. NO BULLET POINTS! As indicated, you can include a

quote from the person you interviewed but be sure to cite it correctly. You can use your

textbook and the documents in the Files tab to help you with this assignment.

• Be aware that Turnitin will be used on this assignment to identify plagiarism. If the score is

above 24%, the instructor will look into the matter more carefully.

• For the Demographics section, you will need to include the person’s initials , age at the time of

the interview, gender, race, re lationship status , and occupation. You may use a made -up name

for the person but you must indicate that here.

• In the Perception of Health section, you want to address how the person defines health, how

they feel about their curr ent health status , and if they have any concerns. You will need to

include their health goals for the present as well as in the future. You could also include how

they see their healthcare providers helping them with these goals.

• In the Past Medical Histo ry section, you will need to include childhood illnesses,

accidents/injuries, serious or chronic illnesses, hospitalizations, operations, immunizations, last

examination date, allergies with the reaction , and all current medications including

nonprescripti on/OTC medications, herbal medications , and supplements. If the person is

female, you will need to include their obstetric history also.

• For the Family Medical History section, you can use a pedigree or genogram such as the sa mple

in your textbook or you can write it out. Either way, you will need to include the gender,

relationship , and age of the immediate blood relatives in at least three generations of the

person you interviewed. Consider including the aunts/uncles, nieces/nephews , and cousins as

well. The medical condition of each person along with any significant health information should

be included in this section. Be sure to identify anyone in the family with the specific diseases

listed in the last paragraph of the Family History secti on of your t extbook.

• The Review of Systems is all subjective data. There should be absolutely no objective findings

here. This is the place for the patient to tell the healthcare provider what is or is not present in

each area. Use the Review of Systems section in the textbook as a guide for the areas that you

need to include in the RUA.

• Under developmental considerations, y ou will indicate the person’s stage of cognitive

development using Piaget’s theory as well as their stage of psychosocial development using

Erickson’ s theory (You need a reference for this section as the theories are not common

knowledge) .

• In the cultural considerations section, you will identify any religious or spiritual beliefs and

practices that the person follows. You will need to identify any dietary restrictions and if there

are any restrictions on medical procedures/interventions that can be done. • Their l iving situation, leisure activities, exercise pattern, sleep pattern , and perceived level of

stress shou ld be identified under the psychosocial considerations. You will want to include how

these things are helping or hindering the person from reach ing their health goals.

• In the collaborative resources section, you will identify the presence or absence of resources

from the family, community , and healthcare providers/system. You will want to address how the

presence or absence of these resources has affected the person and their ability to meet their

health goals.

• In the reflection part of the RUA, you will have the opportunity to share how things went as you

conducted the health history interview. Don’t be skimpy or superficial here when you are

an swering the questions. You need to write more than “everything went well and I had no

problems.” Spend some time thinking about the entire process, what you learned from it , and

what you want to do next time around as well as what you want to make sure you don’t do


• How you put your paper together is just as important as what you have include d in the paper.

Check for misspelled words. Make sure that you are writing complete sentences. Read over the

paper and see if there is a logical flow or is every thing all over the place. There are plenty of

resources available from Chamberlain University and other places so there is no excuse for a

poorly put together paper. Check out the Citation and Writing Assistance: Writing Papers at

Chamberlain University pa ge on the school library.

• And finally, do not wait until the week before or the night before this assignment is due to start

working on it. Plan and work on it a little bit at a time so that you can submit it we ll before the

due date.

As you start work ing on this assignment, please feel free to reach out to your instructors as w e are here

to help you be successful!