Intervention Support PlanThis assignment is the fourth component of your Assessment, Intervention Support, and Related Systems project. In Unit 6, you uncovered a wide range of scholarly works necessa

Section 1: Intervention Support Plan Operational Definitions and Functions of Identified Target Behaviors (

For this section, summarize all the results of the assessment portion, prioritize and define the behaviors needed to be targeted, and list the functions of each of those behaviors.

Antecedent Procedures

Based on the results of the FBA, complete the following:

  1. Describe the antecedent procedures you recommend implementing to prevent the behavior from occurring.

  2. Cite the research justifying your use of these procedures.

Replacement Procedures

Based on the functions of behavior, complete the following:

  1. Describe the replacement behaviors you would like to address as well as plan for how they would be taught and subsequently reinforced.

  2. Cite the research justifying your use of these procedures.

Consequential Procedures
  1. Based on the results of the FBA, describe how you would want individuals (therapist, teacher and/or caregiver) to respond if the behavior occurs.

  2. Describe how to arrange the environment in order to impact the way that others will react to the problem behavior.

  3. Cite the research justifying your use of these procedures.

Short Term Goals
  1. Describe behavioral goals for the client to be achieved with 3-months of service.

Long Term Goals
  1. Describe the ultimate goals of the intervention

  2. Describe the discharge criteria for the recommended ABA services.

Generalization and Maintenance Procedures
  1. Describe your recommended plan to generalize the skills learned in this treatment plan.

  2. Describe your recommended plan to withdraw any treatment components while maintaining low rates of challenging behavior.

Section 2: Applies Behavioral Methods

In this section of your plan, you will discuss in narrative form the research that supports your decision for the implementation of intervention strategies. Reference the literature that was gathered in previous units to help you create an empirically valid intervention plan.

Section 3: Monitoring Systems Support for Behavior

In this section of your plan, you will design and use effective performance monitoring and reinforcement systems for your chosen case study.