Running project scenario Part 1A: The Office Relocation real-work project scenario.A manager within a company has been assigned to lead a project to relocate the company offices. As described in the i

June 30, 2017


Office Relocation Project


General Manager

Project Management

Office Manager-John Smith

Start Date


Project Duration

4 months



John Smith, Office Manager

Bob Cable, IT Manager

Minnie Peoples, HR Manager

Major Coyne, Accounting Manager

Hugh Zaire, Call Center Supervisor

Specific Business Need

The operation has outgrown its current facility. A new facility is required to house the operation and allow for future growth.


  • Need assessment

  • New facility location

  • New facility lease

  • Office layout

  • Relocate offices

  • Relocate people

  • Relocate infrastructure


  • Reuse as much existing infrastructure as possible

  • Existing building is not available for additions and upgrades.

Success Criteria

Office, people, and infrastructure moved to new site in less than five months within target budget.

Authorization Signatures

Sponsor:_______________________ Date:____________________

Project Manager: ________________ Date: ____________________