The evolving case study starts with background information that provides an overview; description of the patient; and the report provided to the participants using the format of situation, background,

Chamberlain College of Nursing NR536 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators: Experiential Learning

Week 5: Development of an Evolving Case Study for Clinical or Classroom SettingThe evolving case study starts with background information that provides an overview; description of the patient; and the report provided to the participants using the format of situation, background, 1


This assignment provides the opportunity for the student to develop an evolving case study that would be useful as part of a small group activity in the clinical setting. It should not be written for a simulation learning activity. Using a concept presented in Weeks 2, 3, and 4, the student incorporates the elements expected of an evolving case study as well as includes pathophysiology, pharmacology, and physical assessment.

Course Outcomes

Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to do the following.

CO 1: Synthesize educational theories and knowledge from nursing and health sciences to foster experiential learning strategies and positive healthcare outcomes. (PO 1)

CO 2: Integrate pathophysiologic mechanisms with advanced assessment and pharmacologic concepts to maximize holistic, person-centered outcomes in complex disease states. (POs 1, 2, 3, 5) 

CO 3: Integrate caring and person-centered concepts within diverse practice settings to maximize healthcare and learner outcomes. (PO 2)

CO 4: Employ a spirit of inquiry to foster professional development to facilitate the achievement of educational outcomes. (PO 3)

CO 6: Promote positive health and education outcomes by fostering the use of evidence-based and interprofessional strategies in experiential settings. (PO 5)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 5

Total Points Possible: 180 points Requirements

Description of the Assignment

This assignment requires the student to develop an evolving case study that would be useful in either the clinical or classroom setting. It is not written for a simulation learning activity. The evolving case study must focus on a concept assigned from Giddens (2017) required textbook during Weeks 2, 3, and 4. In addition, the student must identify Socratic questions related to the pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health assessment used in the evolving case study. The study demonstrates the following.

  • Initial presentation (i.e., Stage 1) regarding the health status of the patient

  • Progress to Stage 2 with the occurrence of event that requires the identification of the appropriate response from learners

  • Ends with Stage 3 that is based upon the action identified by learners

The development of Socratic questions useful for debriefing following completion of the evolving case study are required.

Criteria for Content

Overview of the assignment

The evolving case study starts with background information that provides an overview; description of the patient; and the report provided to the participants using the format of situation, background, assessment, and recommendation (SBAR). Progressing over time with a fictional patient’s health status changing, this evolving case study presents the situation in three stages. Stage 1 is the initial stage where the patient’s healthcare situation is presented, followed by a trigger, which represents a health challenge or worsening of health. Participants identify the appropriate interventions to maintain a stable health status as well as recognize via assessment the deterioration in the fictional patient’s health. Stage 2 continues the presentation of the patient with progressive decline in health status requiring the identification of appropriate actions by participants. A trigger for Stage 3 will be identified based on the stabilization of the fictional patient. An outcome of the evolving case study is suggested as part of Stage 3. Preparation for the debriefing of participants is considered by the identification of Socratic questions.

Required content for the assignment

Part 1: Overview of evolving case study

  • Description of the evolving case study

    • Identify the purpose

    • Identify the type of learner that case study is developed for

    • Identify the concept to be demonstrated by the fictional patient

  • Description of the setting

Part 2: Description of fictional patient by identifying each of the following elements

  • Name

  • Gender/age/weight/height

  • Allergies

  • Past medical history

  • History of present illness

  • Social history

  • Primary medical diagnosis

  • Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Part 3: Develop the report that learners receive prior to the start of the evolving case study using SBAR

  • Time of report

  • Identify person providing the report

  • Identify each of the following for SBAR

    • Situation

    • Background

    • Assessment

      • Recommendation

Part 4: Stage 1: Start of the healthcare situation with required elements

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 1

  • Pathophysiology

  • Physical assessment

  • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 2

Part 5: Stage 2: Deterioration in fictional patient’s health status with required elements

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 2

  • Pathophysiology

  • Physical assessment

  • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 3

Part 6: Stage 3: Stabilization of fictional patient with required elements

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 3

  • Pathophysiology

  • Physical assessment

  • Pharmacology

  • Expected ending for case study if learner’s actions are APPROPRIATE for the situation

Part 7: Debriefing

  • Socratic Question 1 (focusing on overall Stage 1)

  • Socratic Question 2 (focusing on overall Stage 2)

  • Socratic Question 3 (focusing on overall Stage 3)

  • Socratic Question 4 (focusing on the overall case study)

Preparing the Assignment

Criteria for Format and Special Instructions

  1. The assignment should not exceed 8 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page.

  2. The use of the template for Week 5 Assignment is required.

  3. Expectations regarding graduate level include all the following elements.

    1. Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation

    2. Exceptional writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper

    3. Congruence with APA mechanics of style

    4. APA format for citing and referencing sources

Directions and Assignment Criteria

Assignment Criteria




Overview of evolving case study


The required content includes:

  • Description of the evolving case study

    • Identify the purpose

    • Identify the type of learner that case study is developed for

    • Identify the concept to be demonstrated by the fictional patient

  • Description of the setting

Description of fictional patient by identifying each of the following elements


The required content includes:

  • Name

  • Gender/age/weight/height

  • Allergies

  • Past medical history

  • History of present illness

  • Social history

  • Primary medical diagnosis

  • Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Develop the report that learners receive prior to start of the evolving case study using SBAR


The required content includes:

  • Time of report

  • Identify person providing the report

  • Identify each of the following for SBAR

    • Situation

    • Background

    • Assessment

    • Recommendation

Stage 1: Start of the healthcare situation with required elements


The required content includes:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 1

  • Pathophysiology

  • Physical assessment

  • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 2

Stage 2: Deterioration in fictional patient’s health status with required elements


The required content includes:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 2

  • Pathophysiology

  • Physical assessment

  • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 3

Stage 3: Stabilization of fictional patient with required elements


The required content includes:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 3

  • Pathophysiology

  • Physical assessment

  • Pharmacology

  • Expected ending for case study if learner’s actions are APPROPRIATE for the situation



The required content includes:

  • Socratic Question 1 (focusing on overall Stage 1)

  • Socratic Question 2 (focusing on overall Stage 2)

  • Socratic Question 3 (focusing on overall Stage 3)

  • Socratic Question 4 (focusing on the overall case study)

Graduate-level writing style


The required content includes:

  • Correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation

  • Exceptional writing style with clarity, flow, and organization of information throughout the paper

  • Congruence with APA mechanics of style

  • APA format for citing and referencing sources




Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria


Outstanding or highest level of performance


Very good or high level of performance


Competent or satisfactory level of performance

Needs Improvement

Poor or failing level of performance


Unsatisfactory level of performance


Possible Points = 195 Points

Overview of evolving case study

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements:

  • Description of the evolving case study including:

    • Identify the purpose

    • Identify type of learner

    • Identify the concept to be demonstrated by the fictional patient

  • Description of the setting

Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places:

  • Description of the evolving case study including:

    • Identify the purpose

    • Identify type of learner

    • Identify the concept to be demonstrated by the fictional patient

  • Description of the setting

Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated:

  • Description of the evolving case study including:

    • Identify the purpose

    • Identify type of learner

    • Identify the concept to be demonstrated by the fictional patient

  • Description of the setting

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

  • Description of the evolving case study including:

    • Identify the purpose

    • Identify type of learner

    • Identify the concept to be demonstrated by the fictional patient

  • Description of the setting

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

  • Description of the evolving case study including:

    • Identify the purpose

    • Identify type of learner

    • Identify the concept to be demonstrated by the fictional patient

  • Description of the setting

Description of fictional patient by identifying each of the following elements

10 Points

9 Points

8 Points

4 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements:

  • Name

  • Gender/age/weight/ height

  • Allergies

  • Past medical history

  • History of present illness

  • Social history

  • Primary medical diagnosis

  • Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places:

  • Name

  • Gender/age/weight/ height

  • Allergies

  • Past medical history

  • History of present illness

  • Social history

  • Primary medical diagnosis

  • Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated:

  • Name

  • Gender/age/weight/ height

  • Allergies

  • Past medical history

  • History of present illness

  • Social history

  • Primary medical diagnosis

  • Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

  • Name

  • Gender/age/weight/ height

  • Allergies

  • Past medical history

  • History of present illness

  • Social history

  • Primary medical diagnosis

  • Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

  • Name

  • Gender/age/weight/ height

  • Allergies

  • Past medical history

  • History of present illness

  • Social history

  • Primary medical diagnosis

  • Surgeries and/or procedures with dates

Develop the report that learners receive prior to start of the evolving case study using SBAR

20 Points

18 Points

16 Points

8 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements:

  • Time of report

  • Identify person providing the report

  • Identify each of the following for SBAR

    • Situation

    • Background

    • Assessment

    • Recommendation

Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places:

  • Time of report

  • Identify person providing the report

  • Identify each of the following for SBAR

    • Situation

    • Background

    • Assessment

    • Recommendation

Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated:

  • Time of report

  • Identify person providing the report

  • Identify each of the following for SBAR

    • Situation

    • Background

    • Assessment

    • Recommendation

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

  • Time of report

  • Identify person providing the report

  • Identify each of the following for SBAR

    • Situation

    • Background

    • Assessment

    • Recommendation

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

  • Time of report

  • Identify person providing the report

  • Identify each of the following for SBAR

    • Situation

    • Background

    • Assessment

    • Recommendation

Stage 1: Start of the healthcare situation with required elements

35 Points

31 Points

28 Points

13 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 1:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 2

Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 1:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 2

Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 1:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 2

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 1:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 2

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 1:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 2

Stage 2: Deterioration in fictional patient’s health status with required elements

35 Points

27 Points

25 Points

11 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 2:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 3

Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 2:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 3

Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 2:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 3

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 2:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 3

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

  • Evolving case study information presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 2:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Trigger for Stage 3

Stage 3: Stabilization of fictional patient with required elements

35 Points

27 Points

25 Points

11 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 3:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Expected ending for case study if learner’s actions are APPROPRIATE for the situation

Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 3:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Expected ending for case study if learner’s actions are APPROPRIATE for the situation

Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 3:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Expected ending for case study if learner’s actions are APPROPRIATE for the situation

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 3:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Expected ending for case study if learner’s actions are APPROPRIATE for the situation

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

  • Evolving case study information to be presented to the learner

  • One action that a learner SHOULD identify that is APPROPRIATE for the situation

  • Socratic question for each area to ask learner at end of Stage 3:

    • Pathophysiology

    • Physical assessment

    • Pharmacology

  • Expected ending for case study if learner’s actions are APPROPRIATE for the situation


25 Points

22 Points

20 Points

10 Points

0 Points

Presentation of information was exceptional and included all the following elements:

  • Socratic Question 1 (focusing on overall Stage 1)

  • Socratic Question 2 (focusing on overall Stage 2)

  • Socratic Question 3 (focusing on overall Stage 3)

  • Socratic Question 4 (focusing on the overall case study)

Presentation of information was good and included all the following elements but was superficial in places:

  • Socratic Question 1 (focusing on overall Stage 1)

  • Socratic Question 2 (focusing on overall Stage 2)

  • Socratic Question 3 (focusing on overall Stage 3)

  • Socratic Question 4 (focusing on the overall case study)

Presentation of information was noted in all the following elements but was only minimally demonstrated:

  • Socratic Question 1 (focusing on overall Stage 1)

  • Socratic Question 2 (focusing on overall Stage 2)

  • Socratic Question 3 (focusing on overall Stage 3)

  • Socratic Question 4 (focusing on the overall case study)

Presentation of information in one or two of the following elements fails to meet expectations:

  • Socratic Question 1 (focusing on overall Stage 1)

  • Socratic Question 2 (focusing on overall Stage 2)

  • Socratic Question 3 (focusing on overall Stage 3)

  • Socratic Question 4 (focusing on the overall case study)

Presentation of information is unsatisfactory in three or more of the following elements:

  • Socratic Question 1 (focusing on overall Stage 1)

  • Socratic Question 2 (focusing on overall Stage 2)

  • Socratic Question 3 (focusing on overall Stage 3)

  • Socratic Question 4 (focusing on the overall case study)

Content Subtotal _____ of 170 Points


Possible Points = 15 Points

Scholarly writing at the graduate level

10 Points

6 Points

5 Points

3 Points

0 Points

1–2 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA Manual

3–4 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA Manual

5–6 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA Manual

7–8 errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA Manual

9 or more errors or exceptions to the rules of APA citation style, grammar, spelling, word usage, punctuation, and other aspects of formal written work as found in the current edition of the APA Manual

Format Subtotal

_____ of 10 Points

Total Points

_____ of 180 Points

NR536: W5 Assignment Development of an Evolving Case Study for Clinical or Classroom Setting 8/5/19 (AR)