Attached to this question is a sample of the anecdote child paper as well as the form. 1. Focused Child Study (PLO 1, 6, 7): Knowing your infants and toddlers and properly planning for their developme

Five Anecdotes of Various Infants and Toddlers




When, Where, Who


What did the child do?

What did the child say?

Category and/or Specific Development



Afternoon. Room #2. Toddler (18 months)

Child is just learning to speak, and when I repeated “Auntie” to him, he tried to say it.

Language (steadily adds to vocabulary)

Language (joint attention with caregiver becomes more accurate)



Afternoon. Room #2. Toddler (18 months).

We watched a video and when the movie ended an upbeat song came on. Both boys got up and danced around the room.

Physical (walking is more coordinated)

Emotional/Social (joins in play with familiar adults, siblings, and peers)



Morning. Room #2 Toddler (18 months)

Comforted his friend when he cried as his mom left for the day.

Emotional/social (realizes that others’ emotional reactions may differ from one’s own) and (shows signs of empathy)



Morning. Room #2 Toddler (18 months.)

To help him stop crying I picked him up and showed him pictures of my kids and asked him to tell me their names, which he did successfully.

Language (steadily adds to vocabulary)

Emotional/social (complies with simple directives)



Late afternoon. Room #2. Toddler (18 months)

His parents put him in a pack and play to take a nap when he arrived. He cried for a while so I decided to rock him to see if he’d nap. He sat with me for 20 minutes before joining the other boys to play.

Emotional/social (joins in play with familiar adults, siblings, and peers) and (uses caregiver as a secure base for exploration) and (separation anxiety appears)