106 Help with Term Paper The Term Paper Assignment is designed to be a culmination and expansion of the previous two assignments on the subject of Unnecessary Use of Force by Police Officers. Create


The Term Paper Assignment is designed to be a culmination and expansion of the previous two assignments. For this assignment, students will create a research paper that includes and expands upon the problems or issues described in the Week 2 Academic Article Critique Assignment, as supplemented by the Week 4 Annotated Bibliography Assignment. References and concepts (not verbiage) from prior assignments are to be used to complete the Term Paper Assignment.

The Term Paper Assignment will consist of at least 15 double-spaced pages (excluding title page, references, figures, illustrations, or other extraneous elements outside the main body of the paper). Students will format their paper using 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. Students will use at least 15 scholarly and trade references (Wikipedia or blogs CANNOT be used as a reference). APA 7th Edition guidelines are to be followed. The structure of the assignment must include the following mandatory headings:

  1. Title Page

  2. Introduction

  3. Description of the Problem or Issue

  4. Literature Review

  5. Methods

  6. Analysis

  7. Discussion

  8. Policy and Practice Recommendations

  9. Conclusion

  10. References

The quality of the term paper will be graded according to the following Grading Rubric:






Demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge of effective managerial skills and ethical leadership in Criminal Justice (LO5)

(20 percent)

0 – 69%

70 - 79%

80 - 89%

90 - 100%

Not present.

Does not demonstrate comprehensive professional knowledge of effective managerial skills and ethical leadership in Criminal Justice.

Adequately demonstrates professional knowledge of effective managerial skills and ethical leadership in Criminal Justice.

Completely demonstrates professional knowledge of effective managerial skills and ethical leadership in Criminal Justice.

Page Count

(10 percent)

0 – 69%

70 - 79%

80 - 89%

90 - 100%

Not present.

Paper contains 1-13 pages.

Paper contains 14-15 pages.

Paper exceeds 15 pages.

Description of Problem or Issue

(10 percent)

0 – 69%

70 - 79%

80 - 89%

90 - 100%

Not present.

Does not define or expand upon the research problem or issue.

Adequately defines and expands upon the research problem or issue.

Completely defines and expands upon the research problem or issue.

Literature Review and Methods

(20 percent)

0 – 69%

70 - 79%

80 - 89%

90 - 100%

Not present.

Does not review relevant literature and methods.

Adequately reviews relevant literature and methods.

Completely reviews relevant literature and methods.

Analysis, Discussion, and Recommendations

(20 percent)

0 – 69%

70 - 79%

80 - 89%

90 - 100%

Not present.

Does not analyze the problem or issue. Does not discuss ideas and critical points of the problem or issue. Does not provide recommendations on improving policy or practice.

Adequately analyzes the problem or issue. Adequately discusses ideas and critical points of the problem or issue. Adequately provides recommendations on improving policy or practice.

Completely analyzes the problem or issue. Completely discusses ideas and critical points of the problem or issue. Completely provides recommendations on improving policy or practice.

Quality of Writing

(10 percent)

0 – 69%

70 - 79%

80 - 89%

90 - 100%

Not present.

Does not use precise or accurate terminology. Writing is not clear and does not flow in a logical progression. Writing has major grammatical errors.

Adequately uses accurate and precise terminology. Writing is sufficiently clear and flows in a logical progression. Writing has minor grammatical errors.

Consistently uses accurate and precise terminology. Writing is consistently clear and flows in a logical progression. Writing is free of grammatical errors.

APA and References

(10 percent)

0 – 69%

70 - 79%

80 - 89%

90 - 100%

Not present.

Uses 1-5 of the mandatory headings. 5+ APA referencing and formatting errors. Uses 1-14 relevant academic and trade resources.

Uses 6-9 of the mandatory headings. 3-4 APA referencing and formatting errors. Uses 15 relevant academic and trade resources.

Uses all 10 mandatory headings. 0-2 APA referencing and formatting errors. Exceeds 15 relevant academic and trade resources.