Technology Tools Chart #2: Review your comments from your graded Technology Tools Chart #1 before submitting this next assignment. If you lost points on the first chart, how can you improve on the s

EDUC 201

Technology Tools Chart #2





How could it be used in the classroom?

Example: Kahoot

  • The technology allows teachers to put questions in a test format to be answered by students simultaneously.

  • Access can be through a website or app.

  • Students must put in a number from the teacher account.

  • Teacher can assess students.

  • Assessment results are instantaneous.

  • Game concept makes it fun for students.

  • Graphs are shown of the data.

  • Each student needs an individual device.

  • Teacher must create the questions which can be time consuming.

  • Student must create a name for the game.

  • Assessment of a skill.

  • Opinion questions for graphing in math.

  • Could be used for review of content.

  • Pre-and posttest results could be compared.


For this section, you will write two paragraphs reflecting on both Technology Tool Charts you completed. Each paragraph must be at least 100 words and answer some of the questions below.

1. What have you learned about the technology available to teachers? What concerns do you have about using technology in the classroom? How do you feel the role of technology has changed since you were a student? What tools do feel would be most beneficial for students?

2. In Week 7, you will complete the Technology Application Project and pick two of the tools from your chart to create an activity and assessment for one specific topic. Elementary and Special Education candidates must choose one of the four core areas: math, reading, social science, or science. Secondary candidates may use the subject they are pursuing. Which tools do you think you might use for this project? How would using technology benefit your instruction or assessment? What type of research will you need to do before creating your tool?