what amendments relate to the courts system are important to understand for someone working in Community services ? provide examples of how the amendments help determine how the process flows when


The constitutional amendment is referred to as the motivation of a state or nation constitution. It also known as a bill of right.it also guarantee all citizen equal protection of laws as follows:

The fourteenth amendment (1868)

It states that any deprive any person life liberty or property without due process of law in all actions including criminal law giving equal protection to all citizens.For an exam, more people are charged with the same crime cases at the same time.

The fifth amendments (1791)

It states that no person shall be held to answer for a capital or infamous crime unless on a presentment Grand jury when it arises in the land when in actual services in time of war. It requires a pretrial hearing by a grand jury.it also protect suspect from answering questions which could be used against them .they can also guarantee fair proceedings by ensuring compensation for people whose property have been taken by the government.

Fourth amendment (1791)

It states that the right of the people to be secure in their persons' effects against unreasonable searches shall not be violated no warrant to be issued among others.

Sixth amendment (1791)

The sixth amendment guarantees an accused person the right to speedy and impartial injury, have a lawyer, and call witnesses for the defense.

Eighth amendments (1791)

It states that the excessive bail shall not be required and unusual punishment inflicted


The Alife sentence is the serious disposition of the serious can,such as the convicted person is sentenced the entire lifespan in prison.

A cumulative sentence is a sentence by which convicted criminals have several cases such that immediate sentences occur exactly after expire of another one.