Over the course of this class, you have learned about many important scientists and their scientific discoveries. Based on what you have learned and the article "The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since th

Running head: GREAT SCIENTISTS 0

Historical Scientific Discovery

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Tobacco has been around for more than 7000 years and the chewing and smoking of tobacco began around 2100 years ago. Tobacco was first discovered in Santo Domingo, Europe (Jenine et al. 2016). After the discovery of tobacco, several scientists were involved in discovering the dangers tobacco carried on human health. Leroy Burney discovered how tobacco resulted to cancer in 1962. This scientist stated “cigarette smoking was a causative factor in the etiology of lung cancer” (Nalls. n.d).

On matters concerning second-hand smoke, Leroy Burney included that SHS would also cause cancer. In 1982, this scientist released findings supporting how chewing tobacco would cause cancer and diseases such as cardiovascular. Despite being a surgeon, physician and a health officer, he was also a scientist who found the harms passive smoking or SHS has (Nalls. n.d). Burney discoveries have made it easy to curb cancer cases. Many people didn’t know the harms involved with second hand smoke until these discoveries were made. Cancer cases have decreased since the topics of passive smoking were introduced

According to peter, Benjamin Franklin a British American discovered electricity. This scientist discovered electricity due to the experiments he carried on kites. Among the many discoveries according to peter electricity is the best because it is a baseline for any inventions. I would add that, electricity is essential in lighting and running machinery (Letstute, 2019.

This researches are very vital in the modern world and they matter a lot because, they have transform the world to what it is today, for example, a nation will go down in terms of economics when it runs with no electricity. There is a connection of the news article and the natural-science topic because every health setting is trying to provide adequate knowledge to help deal with cases caused by tobacco and cigarette smoking


Jenine K. H., Douglas A., Rachael B. Z. & Sarah C. (2016). Shelton Forty Years of Secondhand Smoke Research The Gap Between Discovery and Delivery. Retrieved from https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(09)00154-8/pdf

Letstute (August 26, 2019). Discovery of Electricity | History of Electricity. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arvwTlem0h8#:~:text=well%2C%20this%20question%20is%20still,study%20electricity%20in%20class%2010.

Nalls. C. (n.d). Dangers of Tobacco: Cancer. Retrieved from https://www.ajpmonline.org/article/S0749-3797(09)00154-8/pdf