Please read the file and let me know if you have any question! The three counties are going to write is Canada, Iran, Tanzania.Choose one product/service/experience from the list provided by Professor

IBM 4141: International Marketing

Mini research assignment through peer review

As part of “learning by doing” commitment of this class, you will be carrying out some basic research on four countries. Three of these countries are randomly assigned to you, and the fourth is the USA. Why the USA? Even if you are unfamiliar with some of the measures, having a point of comparison helps to make sense of what you’re finding. You can compare your lived experience to that of the data points. If you are not from the USA/grew up in another country, feel free to replace it with your home country and just note that in your write-up.

This assignment will progress over three weeks (Module 2-4) of the class. Each week you will add to the knowledge you’re finding.

Please cite all your sources. Use either MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

Suggested data sources

  • The CPP library has pulled together a nice set of guides for research. I would recommend scrolling to the “other recommended resources”

    • CIA world factbook – gives basic information about each country

    • CountryWatch – country profiles give a detailed understanding about key factors such as political trends, and recent news

    • GlobalEDGE – A research tool that allows you to compare across a variety of indicators

  • The World Bank has a downloadable database of indicators – more detail than most other sources.

    • You may also like the DataBank, which allows you to select specific indicators:

  • There are many other reputable data sources out there – go ahead and explore!

MODULE 4: International strategy


  • Choose one product or service from the list provided by Professor Ong. You are going to decide if there are any possible markets for this in the three countries (e.g. not the USA) you have been studying.

  • Review the work you have done up to now researching these countries. Are there any gaps in your research, especially given the choice of the product/service? If so, complete some additional research to bolster your case now that you are more familiar with data sources.

    • For example, if you chose an electronic product, checking % of the country that has access to the internet or electricity might be useful.

  • Develop a brief PowerPoint presentation (plan for it to be under 5 minutes) which goes over the following:

    • Product/service you are focusing on

    • PEST analyses on the three countries (one per slide)

    • Summary slide(s) describing which country/countries are the most attractive proposition for the product/service you chose, with reasons why. Give some brief strategy ideas as to how to market the product in that new country context. How might there need to be shifts in the marketing in order to make this work? Will you focus on a different target market than in the USA? Why?

Submit and review

  • Submit the PPT presentation to the group.

  • Use the same process as last week to review