Must complete both parts : A spreadsheet 2 page minimum report Using the secondary data for your selected firm, produce an analysis that compares some key criteria to show the selected areas of focus


Qantas Airways Limited

Qantas Airways Limited

In this report, we analyze Qantas Airline's president's statement. In our past examination, we have principally given brief foundation data about Qantas, including its vision, mission, and qualities. We have found how the key objectives of the carrier uncover that it targets giving safe air travel administrations and simultaneously conveying the ideal quality administrations to its clients. In the Qantas' President's report, he discusses how the past, present, and eventual fate of Qantas show that the aircraft has made critical development in the past, which makes it the banner line bearer of Australia and it is known as the exceptional air travel specialist organization. The trajectory of the airline demonstrates that it targets accomplishing further development through performing partnerships with the other significant carrier administrators over the world. We have picked the president's announcement to investigate the center focus of the organization in the previous year and what's to come.

Based on the 2018 president’s statement, we developed a word-cloud for it that we are going to discuss:

Must complete both parts : A spreadsheet 2 page minimum report Using the secondary data for your selected firm, produce an analysis that compares some key criteria to show the selected areas of focus 1

As we know it, a ‘word cloud’ is a visual portrayal of word recurrence. The more generally the term shows up inside the content being investigated, the bigger the word shows up in the picture produced. Word clouds are progressively being utilized as a fundamental instrument to distinguish the main focus of composed material. They have been used in politics, education, and our case business.

From the visual representation above, we can see some issues that were recurrent in the president’s statement that was weighing heavily on the company. In the above word cloud, the most prominent word is “through.” We will ignore that one as it’s just a common word. We will discuss them below:


A customer is the foundation of any business. Knowing and meeting the needs of its customers is the most critical action any company or organization would make. In the president’s statement, we see that he refers to the customers a lot because they understand how badly they need customers for them to realize their organizational objectives and mission. The company hopes to continue delivering value to its customers by offering top of the range services and introducing many other spectacular destinations that will be made by Qantas Airline. By focusing on the customers, Qantas will be on a sure path to retaining its top position as an airline.


Investing is another focal point that was centered on by the president. For stockholders of Qantas airlines, significant investments by the company mean that big money moves are taking place. This, in turn, translates to satisfaction to the investors and stockholders. Significant expenditures may include partnerships that, in turn, assist in providing more higher quality flight services to customers. The Qantas President talked of how the arrival of a Boeing 787-9 that flew the Perth-London route brought more customers than they expected. It also increased its rating to have the highest customer satisfaction rating on the network. This shows how a commitment in investments by a company or organization


In our previous analyses, we demonstrated that there are a vast number of business-level strategies of the Qantas Group. The primary critical objectives of Qantas can be summed up as follows: (Aulenbach, 2007)

  • · "Achieving operational efficiency by integrating simplicity into its business processes and at the same time focussing on productivity."

  • "To be the best airline in Australia and abroad in both premium and low-fare brands."

  • "The selection of the right routes to deliver the most efficient fleet flying in the world is also a major objective of the airline."

  • "Its main strategy was to achieve safety in its operation by using the best security practices and reporting practices in the world."

  • · "By focusing on environmental initiatives, remain highly committed to the environment" (Aulenbach, 2007).

In the delivery of the statement, the President of Qantas made it clear on their determination to keep delivering to the customers with the vision and mission and vision of the company in mind. They’ve suggested direct routes, flying non-stop from the East Coast of Australia to London and New York. This would cut the overall journey times by up to four hours. This will be imperative in delivering one of its primary objectives of achieving operational efficiency and thereby saving customer’s time.


The above things that the president of Qantas emphasized on, plus many others, are key to the premium travel experience that underpins Qantas’ margin advantage. Industry figures show that global aviation will need up to 790,000 more pilots by 2030, and in addressing that gap, Qantas has invested in the Qantas Group Pilot Academy, which aims at training pilots to have a supply for the high demand of pilots that is expected. This is a clear indication of the dedication of the company in achieving the primary goals that the company has set out to continue providing top-notch services to its esteemed customers.


F. Heimerl, S. Lohmann, S. Lange, and T. Ertl, "Word Cloud Explorer: Text Analytics Based on Word Clouds," 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, HI, 2014, pp. 1833-1842, DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2014.231.

Qantas group corporate information | Qantas US. (n.d.). Fly with Australia's most popular airline | Qantas.