Students will assess their HCO for compliance with the CLAS guidelines for cultural competence read chapters 1 &2 of:Developing a self-assessment tool for culturally & linguistically appropriate serv

NUR3045 – Culture in Nursing Practice

You will need to visit and read both links for background of CLAS and terminology for this assignment and assess your current MCO or LPHA:




The purpose of the HCO assignment is to:

  • Assess your HCO for cultural and linguistic compliance with the CLAS guidelines (see the link)

  • give a brief synopsis of the history and purpose and significance of CLAS

  • distinguish if your HCO is a LPHA (local public health agency) or MCO (managed care organization)

Your goal is to assess your HCO based on the 4 broad categories of the National Standards for Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care. See the following categories and visit the CLAS link for the itemized explanations and examples for each category that you will use to assess your HCO.


Each category (Principal Standards, Governance, Leadership & Workforce, Communication & Language Assistance and Engagement, Continuous Improvement & Accountability) should include the following:

  • 3 examples of how your HCO complies with each category, explain, and discuss

  • Note if and what 3 items from each category your HCO does not comply with

  • Use APA 6th edition citation for resources such as HCO policies, standards, position papers, see the ANA, Joint Commission, CMS websites.

Principal Standards

  • Briefly explain what the Principal Standards guidelines are.

  • You will need to identify at least 3 items that your HCO comply with explain, discuss and give examples, cite your sources such as policies and standards.

  • Note if and what your HCO does not comply, this will contribute to your Likert rating and be a source for recommendations in your summary conclusion.

Communication and Language

  • Briefly explain what Communication and Language guidelines are

  • You will need to identify at least 3 items that your HCO comply with explain, discuss and give examples, cite your sources such as policies and standards.

  • Note if and what your HCO does not comply, this will contribute to your Likert rating and be a source for recommendations in your summary conclusion.

Engagement and Continuous Improvement

  • Explain what Engagement and Continuous Improvement guidelines are

  • Does your organization comply with this guideline? If so, explain using example.

  • You will need to identify at least 3 items that your HCO comply with explain, discuss and give examples, cite your sources such as policies and standards.

  • Note if your HCO does not comply, this will contribute to your Likert rating and be a source for recommendations in your summary conclusion.


  • Explain what Accountability guidelines are and how they establish a blueprint for health and health organizations.

  • Does your organization comply with this guideline? If so, explain using example.

  • You will need to identify at least 3 items that your HCO comply with explain, discuss and give examples, cite your sources such as policies and standards.

  • Note if your HCO does not comply, this will contribute to your Likert rating and be a source for recommendations in your summary conclusion.

  • Answer the ten questions in paragraph form under this guideline.

Summary (Conclusion)

Summarize your assignment noting:

• the purpose and significance of CLAS compliance

• a synopsis of your significant findings (HCO compliance and noncompliance)

• Likert scale rating based on compliance/lack of compliance

• your recommendations for better cultural compliance in your HCO

On a scale of 1-10 with one being the least compliant with CLAS guidelines and 10 being the most compliant with CLAS guidelines, rate your HCO.

Likert Scale

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

** at least 5 references must be used

*** 3-5 pages