Leadership Portfolio Submission Submit the narrative that contains: -your autobiography: This section should give examples of events and people in your life that influenced your decision to explore th

Personal Leadership Development Plan

Written Leadership Portfolio.

  1. Your autobiography - This should explain life events and people who have influenced your ethics and your desire to be a leader.

  2. Your personal leadership vision developed using the template provided. It should contain a section with your personal statement of professional ethics/Code of Conduct (developed using the template provided)

  3. Your analysis of your leadership traits -- skills and attributes developed using the Leadership Traits Analysis and the Personal SWOT analysis. Using the various documents, develop a Personal Leadership Development Plan that exploits your strengths to address weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that you see in your personal and business life. You should organize your plan around specific actions you expect to undertake placed in the context of the rationale for the action and a timetable. Experience indicates that identifying 5-6 issues provides a meaningful and realistic development plan. Be as specific as possible

Please write your Personal Leadership Portfolio Development Plan in a narrative form.  Include the preparation documents as appendices to your plan. Upload your completed document in a single file to this portal prior 11:59 p.m., March 3.

Class Presentation: Come to the class on February 28, having prepared a 15-minute talk, summarizing key elements from your autobiography, including

  • what you learned in the course about principled leadership and

  • how you plan to apply it in your work.

  • Include in your talk at least one story of ethical leadership you have experienced. You can use PowerPoint slides if you want but should be prepared to talk without slides as well if there is a problem using the classroom projector.

To prepare this talk, you will need to complete the documents listed in the Leadership Portfolio assignment. You do not need to have your narrative completed. Your presentation will help you create the narrative you will write.

The final draft of your Leadership Portfolio is due no later than 11:59 p.m., March 3. No assignments will be accepted beyond that date.