Instructions - Case Study Outline Week 7 Case Study: Solution Focused / Narrative 1. Read the following case study. Week 7 Case Study Madison Madison gears up for another day in sixth grade. The trans

Case Study Outline

1. Background information and Socio-cultural considerations.

2. Assessment (assessment methods must be consistent with the theory you have read for this week’s assignments, video clips or theory mentioned in the vignette).

3. Treatment plans, must list 3 treatment goals that follow logical problem solving.

4. Interventions (Interventions must be consistent from theory/ theories you are using for the case study) include collateral stakeholders as part of the interventions as needed.

5. Discuss future research that may be needed.

Please refer to your Case Study Rubric for your outline for your submission.

Initial Video Responses

Please be concise. Write out your case study prior, video practice on your phone, and time your response. Be sure you have good lighting and good sound for others to view your video submission.

These Video submissions must be between 1 - 2 min. maximum in length.