Assignment #2: Health Care Business PlanDue: Week 9 For this Assignment #2 “Heath Care Business Plan" you will have to complete a formal paper about your fictional Healthcare Business. The business pl

Assignment #2: Health Care Business Plan Due: Week 11 November 6 th @11: 59pm (est) For this Assignment #2 “Heath Care Business Plan" you will have to complete a formal paper about your fictional Healthcare Business. The business plan must be related to the healthcare field (e.g., a doctor’s office, a home healthcare practice, a new hospital, etc.). This assignment is worth 100 points (20%) of your course weighted grade. A businesses plan basic components include a current and pro forma balance sheet, an inco me statement and a cash flow analysis. It helps you allocate resources properly, handle unforeseen complications, and make the right decisions. Because it provides specific and organized information about your company and how you will repay borrowed money, a good business plan is a crucial part of any loan package. Additionally, it can tell your sales personnel, suppliers and others about your operations and goals. Your business plan should precisely define your business, identify your goals and serves as y our companies resume. Use the following questions below as a template and answer all questions. This paper requires correct grammar, punctuation, and APA format. This assignment is worth 100 points (20%) of your course grade. Points are for thorough conten t, creativity in the formal paper and correct use of APA format. You are required to have a minimum of Three (3) references and your references can be from refereed peer reviewed journal articles, textbooks, and or credible Internet sources. This assignmen t requires 10 -20 pages ( Excluding Title and Reference Page ). The assignment should be APA format, typed and submitted on a Word Document, font size 12 font, font names that should be used are times new roman or Calabria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced. Do not wait to begin working on your business plan, as it will take some time to complete. The business plan should include the following components:  The name of your business  A description of your business. Describe your idea; purpose, mission, vision, background information, and description of the product and or service. The business must be related to the healthcare field (e.g., a doctor’s office, a home healthcare practice, a new hospital, etc.) Discuss how your business will meet a significant marketplace need or solve a problem or challenge that currently exists in the community. Discuss why you believe it is worth pursuing.  Targeted location (Where you would propose to estab lish this business and explain your reasoning).  Market analysis: Define the target market for your idea, why you think it exists, what you believe to be the size of the market demand for your idea, and who your competitors will be. Discuss how you would br ing your product or service to market (how you would go about building or developing your product, service or idea into a real, tangible product or service that customers would want and buy). Perform a S.W.O.T. Analysis.  Budget: Create a budget that shows and discuss what it would cost in terms of time and resources to bring it to market and make it available to the public. In doing so, outline your plans to manage revenue (compliance management), manufacture the product or perform the service (including th e proposed manufacturing process or method of performing the service) and your projection of the production costs, which may include:

material labor, employees, salaries, equipment facility, etc.).  Discuss risks and or uncertainties within your proposal: O utline what you believe are the most significant risks and uncertainties that you are likely to experience in bringing your idea to market and discuss how you would deal with them.  Marketing strategy: Discuss your marketing and sales strategies. In doing s o, discuss: Your target market and how you plan to reach that market (e.g. distribution strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy). Discuss how your business will offer a unique value proposition and be able to sustain a competitive advantage in the m arket. Discuss your marketing plan and budget to promote the business online or offline.  Discuss expected Profit and Return on Investments (ROI): Estimate the revenues you expect to earn, as well as the costs and expenses you expect to incur, and the resul ting profits you would expect to earn over the first 3 –5 years. Remember, even a non -profit business needs to be able to bring in enough revenues to cover its expenses. Estimate the amount of money you think would have to be invested to get your business s tarted.  Discuss your assessment of whether or not your business service is likely to be successful. Grading Rubric: Healthcare Business Plan Assignment This assignment requires 10 -20 pages ( Excluding Title and Reference Page ). The assignment should be APA format, typed on a Word Document, font size 12 font, font names that should be used are times new roman or Calabria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced. Content Possible Points and Points granted Title Page : Student Name (Fi rst and Last) Student Panther ID Number Title of Business Plan 5 Description of business 10 Targeted location 10 Market analysis 10 Budget 10 Risks/uncertainties discussed 10 Marketing strategy 10 Expected Return on Investment (ROI) 10 Expectation for success evaluated 10 Reference Page: Proper APA format for Three (3) references and citations in the body of the presentation is seen.

Citations/references can came from a refereed/peer review journal article, course textbook, and or an Internet source. 5 College level writing seen which includes; Complete sentences, proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, mechanics and APA formatting 10 Deductions: Turn It in Originality Report over 30%. Assignment on wrong document. Assignment minimum page count not met. N/A Total 100 All students will have from the opening of the course until the assignment due date to submit each assignment required via turn it in assignment dropbox area. All students will have one attempt to submit each assignment required for the course. Therefore, it is very important that the student double check their work before they s ubmit the final assignment for review and grading. If a student submit the wrong assignment to the turn it in assignment dropbox area it is subject to a “0” numeric grade. If a student submit a blank assignment to the turn it in assignment dropbox area it is subject to a “0” numeric grade. If a student submit the correct assignment to the wrong turn it in assignment dropbox area it is subject to a “0” numeric grade. If a student do not submit the assignment on the required software and or document for the assignment (refer to the assignment criteria) (example, a Microsoft word document, PowerPoint presentation (PPT) and or pdf /provide weblink for Prezi (PPT)), it is subject to a “0” numeric grade. If a student submit a recycled assignment (whether it be from another student in the same course, for another course, from a repeated course, student own work submitted to another course, someone else work submitted to another course, etc.) to the turn it in assignment dropbox area it is subject to a “0” numeric grade. No exceptions!!