Read the case study "Creating a Methodology" on page 108 and then answer one (1) of the questions on page 110. Note- Discussions will consist of 2 parts: Your initial posting on the subject, and respo

In my opinion, There are couple of key factors involved in development of EPM system like different departments and those departments interdependences besides environmental factors which we can say more of an external part of the company.  External part includes how company works what are the concerns and interest, how they train their staff and ways of reporting. Let’s go through some of them one by one. Company’s beliefs, norms, values defines from how company makes decisions and those altogether defines culture of the company. This play a major roles in important decisions. Here president of the company thinks that management is concerned about losing power and they wonder why it requires. So that they won’t see importance of EPM and how it can help company growth. Company’s reporting Structures: Any change in a company is depend on the relationships in the company and hierarchy. Those relationships might simple or complex to implement EPM in the business. EPM impact on the executive management: as it’s human tendency that most of the time they do something if they see some type of benefit out of it they work hard for it. Company’s president have to set up a meeting with the consultant that explains the methodology and benefits so company won’t lose contract at the first place. Also the executive management who didn’t pay full attention on the process and it’s ins and outs and won’t report that to president. Since president was not on top of the project the teams are going to come up with the issues and excuses. If president had fully analyzed it before they won’t have this tension between president and team members. If they understood the EPM system and why it’s important for the company and how it can be communicated with the management it could be more supportive and easy role out.



Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling, 11th Edition, ISBN:  9781118022276  06/27/2020