The candidate will choose two of the tools referenced on the technology tools chart to create two resources to match a subject of their choice. Elementary and Special Education candidates must choose

EDUC 201

How to Take a Screenshot


Full screen: Press The candidate will choose two of the tools referenced on the technology tools chart to create two resources to match a subject of their choice. Elementary and Special Education candidates must choose 1

Screen portion: Press The candidate will choose two of the tools referenced on the technology tools chart to create two resources to match a subject of their choice. Elementary and Special Education candidates must choose 2 then drag a box with your cursor over the area.

For either option, the image file will save on your desktop.


First option:
- Go to the Start Menu.
- Under All Programs, type "Snipping Tool" in the search engine.
- Open the program.
- Over the document or screen, drag the cursor so that the portion needed is in the box.
- A screenshot will pop up
- Save the screenshot by clicking the disk on the top left.

Second option:
- Make sure you have the screen open that needs to have a screenshot
- Click Print Screen (Prt sc) button at the top of your keyboard.
   You won't see anything happen, but the computer has copied your screen.
- Open up a document and click ctrl + V
- The picture of the screen will paste into the document.