Youtube, TeacherTube, Teaching Channel, ASCD, Edutopia, The Teacher’s Network, Progress Center (SPED) and PBS are all great online resources that post many videos that could be watched in lieu of time

Youtube, TeacherTube, Teaching Channel, ASCD, Edutopia, The Teacher’s Network, Progress Center (SPED) and PBS are all great online resources that post many videos that could be watched in lieu of time 1

Clinical Field Experience A: Science Observation Form

Part 1: Observation

Grade Level:

Description of Science Lesson:

Describe additional academic content areas that were present in the lesson.

Document the evidence that demonstrates that the teacher encouraged students to understand the material and ask questions for clarity.

Document opportunities that reflect on prior content knowledge, including cultural relevance, and specific academic language to support the instruction in the identified science content area.

Document how students responded during instruction and independent work.

Describe how students were assessed throughout and at the end of the lesson. Did all students participate?

Part 2: Reflection

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