In life, everyone has unique likes and dislikes. A number of people enjoy while they are alone while a number of people enjoy while they are alone. A number of people enjoy while they are in different


Descriptive Essay

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Descriptive Essay

There is always that person in everyone’s life whose presence implores admiration, desire or motivation. The reasons behind this attitude are broad and not constrained to any specific sequence. I admire Laurel, my supervisor, because of various reasons. The initial impression I got during my first interaction with her was that of a tough and misunderstanding lady, only to be amazed at how well she could flip her personality to fit with circumstances. Laurel has blonde hair, large white eyes, slender legs and with a medium body. She has this contagious smile during informal interactions which can fast change into seriousness while on duty. This is her single character that makes her outstanding among all other supervisors.

Laurel has extreme personality traits which unfold upon more interactions with her at work. She is very kind, outgoing and considerate. Her availability in case of need is beyond that of any supervisor I have previously come across. Moreover, she is a good team player and willingly works with her juniors nicely to achieve the common shared goal. Besides, she always pitches in to help new employees adapt to the working environment without much friction.

Her simplicity and sense of wisdom are commendable. It is surprising that even with the arrival time leeway offered to seniors, she has never been late to work. Her hard work is evident in her determination to achieve; more typical of a person with a master’s degree in public relations. She is a go-getter and will always be ready to try out new strategies for better results. You will catch her, during weekends in yoga classes, playing table tennis or attending a movie in the evenings. These, as she says, helps her to refresh for the tasks awaiting her the following week. Laurel, besides being a senior at my workplace is that person whom you can always consult for help or advise in all fields. I look upon my supervisor, Laurel, for her characters that makes her admirable. I have learnt a lot through her characters, thoughts, and problem-solving techniques which have modelled me into the person I am today.