Students will read chapters 13 and 14 of the Kappeler and Potter text, The Mythology of Crime and Criminal Justice. Upon completion of the weeklyKappelerand Potter chapter reading assignment, students



Nicholas M. Ranstad

Grantham University

Instructor Richard Sayles

June 24, 2020


For the past century, social scientists have argued and studied the causes of crime. Law-breaking appears to be linked to financial situations. Also, states with limited financial chance and a large percentage of occupants stressed money-wise have a higher level of violent criminality rates. Crime myths shape our beliefs so that we can ignore contradictory data and choose the wrong solutions. The public, Medias as well as politicians all follow human inclination to assign blame. The distinction between facts and myths requires critical thinking.

Facts are difficult to identify, and the public experience difficulties distinguishing facts and stories constructed. Crime myth alters our understanding and perception of criminal behavior and crime. There are cases in which crime has been classified as predatory. Crime has been said to be evil, and rehabilitation has been rejected in favor of harsh punishment. Offenders are termed as violent and pathological. The range of behaviors that have been criminalized continues to increase. Numerous people who have been imprisoned are not dangerous (Kappeler & Potter, 2017).


Fear has developed based on the idea of victimization by strangers or people who are different from us. Children are abducted by strangers. Organized crime is operated and controlled by foreign-born nations. People are afraid of walking down the streets, and contact with strangers is avoided. If people isolate themselves from the concerns of society, the community is abandoned, and this is a real problem. Myths mainly focus on personal victimization, street crime, and ignore the harm of corporate crime. Because of crime myth, widespread social problems are overlooked, such as kids abused in the hands of relatives, teenage runaways, and crime in government offices.


Kappeler, V. E., & Potter, G. W. (2017). The mythology of crime and criminal justice. Waveland Press.