For this Work Product, you will demonstrate your ability to plan developmentally appropriate preschool math and science activities, and to plan, implement, and engage in critical reflection on an inte

For this Work Product, you will demonstrate your ability to plan developmentally appropriate preschool math and science activities, and to plan, implement, and engage in critical reflection on an inte 1For this Work Product, you will demonstrate your ability to plan developmentally appropriate preschool math and science activities, and to plan, implement, and engage in critical reflection on an inte 2

Learning Plan Template

Foundations of Lesson Plan

Content Areas and Developmental Domains

Mathematics learning experience: pronouncing, counting and writing the whole numbers

Science learning experience: learning of weather pattern.

State/District/Professional Standards

Mathematical learning standards: Mathematical thinking

Science learning standards: Creative expression through the arts

Learning Goals

Mathematical learning experience: To improve the cognitive thinking of the pupils by exposing them to artwork and counting. The children will be expected to memorize the numbers in their order of appearances. The children will also be expected to decorate the figures and paint them using different colors. They will be expected to know how to pronounce the numbers.

Science learning experience: the children will be expected to explore the world around them. This activity will make the children understand different weather patterns such as sunny, rainy, cloudy or windy. The activity will also help the children to use artwork to decorate the images of weather patterns they were issued with.


Mathematical Learning: The children will be provided with paints, manila paper, and charts. They will also be expected to have pencils and books.

Science learning: materials needed for this lesson are electronic toys, writing utensils, tablets, paints manila paper and charts

Grouping structure

The children will be placed in groups of five, whereby they were provided with paints and charts. They will use bottle tops for counting purposes and pencil to write the numbers. The children will be placed in groups based on their age bracket. Children of age bracket 2-3 years, 3-4 years, and four years will be placed in separate groups. The assessment will be done based on the completion of the task. Each group will be awarded full marks as a way to motivate the children. This will be necessary because children have a terrible attitude towards low targets, especially during competition. It is not easy for them to accepts defeat. All the children who participated in an activity will be given a reward as a sign of motivation. Each child will be given ice cream. All the paints were placed on the classroom wall to act as a reminder to the children about the topic. -

Lesson Sequence
Align all activities with the standard(s), goal(s), an.

Introduction/Anticipatory Set

Children are unique beings, and they are susceptible when it comes to matters related to academics (Bati, Erturk & Kaptan, 2010). Numbers and weather patterns are some of the aspects that children relate to their daily life. I will introduce the children on the topics by asking them some questions such as “why do they think they houses are made roofs if they have ever seen money or used the money to buy anything, why are they air their clothes in the clothe line or remove them when it is about to rain, why are they putting on sweaters or remove them when it is hot or why are they put on rubber shoes when after it has rained). The answer to these questions will help the students participate in the learning activity. I will use drawings to show the children how numbers look like and the paintings of the weather patterns. To make the children more interested in the lesson, I will compose a chorus song that talks about the weather and numbers and sing it in class because children participate more in a topic when a song is used. The use of song will make the children memorize the numbers, and the even caused them to differentiate the weather patterns with a lot of ease.

Building/Applying Knowledge and Skills

Children will participate in the following activities

Listening: the first part of this learning activity will involve listening and speaking. Children will remain quite for instructions before learning starts. At this stage, the children will engage in answering questions is they have ever seen money if they have ever touched money if they have ever used money and what they used the money for. These questions will be used during mathematics lessons to make the student understand what numbers are. Questions related to weather patterns such as is they have ever witnessed if it is raining, why at-home clothes are removed to and aired in cloth line, why are they putting on a sweater, why there is a roof in the classroom etc. these questions will help the children identify with the topics.

Observation: the children will be allowed to observe the charts and repeat the sentence after the teacher. I will read the information in the chart while the children will be repeating the sentences after the teacher. Children who are naughty and cannot corporate will be enticed with sweats to make them calm down during the lesson. They will also be promised other things, such as ice cream after the experience.

Drawing and write and painting: the children will be allowed to draw and write what they will see from the charts in their books. They will copy the information which will be presented in the charts. Children who cannot draw or write especially the younger ones will be exempted from the activity. Each child will be required to paint his/her drawing using the painting of his/her choice.

Grouping: the children will be placed in groups of five and will be grouped based on their age bracket. In the groups, the children will be issued with paints of different colors. They will share the paints to decorate their drawings. They will be allowed to use the colors of their choice to paint the numbers and the weather patterns. Very naughty children and those who are not free to socialize will be allowed to do separate work.


Assessment: the children will be allowed to forward their books individually, and evaluation will be done on an individual basis. Marks will be awarded equally to all the students as a way of motivating the children on their work. Each student was given ice cream after they had been assessed. However, children who showed good behavior throughout the lesson will be given extra ice cream. Children will be told to show their parents their drawings and ask them to comment. The comments will then be read in class and to the children.


The activities under review in this learning plan were science and mathematics. Science lesson will entail the study of weather patterns while mathematics will involve the study of whole numbers. Weather patterns are aspects that children relate with throughout their lifetime as well as numbers. These activities are aimed at improving the cognitive ability of the students as well as strengthening their memory (Masnan & Hashim, 2014). This activity will involve children of different ages from 2 years to four years. This lesson will be based on artwork as well as the use of writing skills. The children will be placed in groups of five. They will be required to participate in painting and drawing. The children will be summarized independently, and the most performing child will be given extra ice cream. The assessment process will also be extended to parents, whereby they will be required to comment on the drawings of their respective children.


The learning activity was successful as many children can today different between weather patterns and even count from one to nine. Some also started to draw more designs and paint on their own. However, some challenges have been realized, such as lack of digital learning materials such as tablets and computers. Children between 2 and 4 years can learn using these materials, and therefore they are necessary for conducting such activities which require practical demonstrations. I also realized that such events need the support of other teachers because dealing with more than 50 children, one person is extremely tiresome. Some parents even don’t the studies of their children seriously by not commenting on the drawings. The school can come up with a way to ensure that parents get involved in the learning development of their children.


Bati, K., Erturk, G., & Kaptan, F. (2010). The awareness levels of pre-school education teachers regarding science process skills.

Masnan, A. H., & Hashim, N. H. (2014). The teaching skills of beginning preschool teachers. Southeast Asia Early Childhood Journal, 3, 46-55.

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