For this Work Product, you will demonstrate your ability to plan developmentally appropriate preschool math and science activities, and to plan, implement, and engage in critical reflection on an inte

©2016 Walden University 1 PR008 : Teaching Science and Math in Preschool Settings Rubric 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Part I: Math and Science Learning Activities Sub -Competency 1: Plan developmentally appropriate mathematics learning experiences for preschoolers. Learning Objective 1.1: Plan developmentally appropriate preschool math activities. Plan ning for developmentally appropriate preschool math activities is missing. Response provides a description of a developmentally appropriate math activity, vaguely stating the following , or two or more of the following are missing:  Title of the activity  Overarching unit, theme, or project  Targeted learning standards, goals, and objectives  Materials needed  Grouping structure  Procedures  Informal assessment Response provides a description of a developmentally appropriate math activity, clearly stating the following:  Title of the activity  Overarching unit, theme, or project  Targeted learning standards, goals, and objectives  Materials needed  Grouping structure  Procedures  Informal assessment Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response includes a description of how the activity can be adjusted for students with language and learning needs. Response includes a reference to a professional/acade mic resource to support the activity. Learning Objective 1.2 : Explain why a particular preschool math activity is Explanation for why a preschool math activity is developmentally appropriate is missing. Response vaguely delineates two or more aspects of a math learning experience that make it developmentally appropriate for preschoolers, or fewer than t wo aspects are addressed. Response clearly delineates two or more aspects of a math learning experience that make it developmentally appropriate for preschoolers. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: ©2016 Walden University 2 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations developmentall y appropriate. Response includes a description of how the activity can be adjusted for students with language and learning needs. Response includes a reference to a professional/acade mic resource to support the activity. Sub -Competency 2 : Plan developmentally appropriate scienc e learning experiences for preschoolers. Learning Objective 2.1: Plan developmentally appropriate preschool science activities. Plan ning for developmentally appropriate preschool science activities is missing. Response provides a description of a developmentally appropriate science activity, vaguely stating the following, or two or more of the following are missing:  Title of the activity  Overarching unit, theme, or project  Targeted learning standards, goals, and objectives  Materials needed  Grouping structure  Procedures  Informal assessment Response provides a description of a developmentally appropriate science activity, clearly stating the following:  Title of the activity  Overarching unit, theme, or project  Targe ted learning standards, goals, and objectives  Materials needed  Grouping structure  Procedures  Informal assessment Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response includes a reference to a professional/acade mic resource to support the activity. ©2016 Walden University 3 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Learning Objective 2.2 : Explain why a particular preschool science activity is developmentally appropriate. Explanation for why a preschool science activity is dev elopmentally appropriate is missing. Response vaguely delineates two or more aspects of a science that make it developmentally appropriate for preschoolers, or fewer than two aspects are addressed. Response clearly delineates two or more aspects of a scien ce activity make it developmentally appropriate for preschoolers. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response includes a reference to a professional/acade mic resource to support the activity. Part II: Plan, Implement , and Reflect on a Math/Science Integrated Lesson for Preschoolers Sub -competency 3 : Plan, implement, and engage in critical reflection on an integrated math and science lesson for preschoolers. Learning Objectives 3.1 : Provide foundational information for a preschool lesson that integrates math and science. Foundational information for a preschool lesson that integrates math and science is missing. Response vaguely or incompletely identifies: - Math and science content areas - Developmental domains - Math and science learning standards - Learning goals/objectives /m aterials/tech nology/equipment/resources Response clearly identifies: - Math and science content areas - Developmental domains - Math and science learning standard s - Learning goals/objectives /m aterials/tec hnology/equipment/resources The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response includes additional relevant foundational information. Learning Objectives 3.2 : Describe the lesson introduction/anticipa tory set. Description of the lesson introduction/anticip atory set is missing. Response vaguely describes one or more activities that establish a connection and capture children’s attention. Response clearly describes one or more activities that establish a connection and capture children’s attention. The response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: ©2016 Walden University 4 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Response explains the decision -making process used in determining the introduction/anticip ato ry set. Learning Objectives 3.3 : Explain steps in the lesson for building knowledge and skills. Explanation of the steps in the lesson for building knowledge and skills is missing. Response describes , generally or in random sequence , what the teacher and the children will do in all activities and transitions that are part of this learning experience. Explanation given for how the activity might be differentiated to meet the needs of individual children, including children with except ionalities , is vague, does not reflect research -based strategies, or is missing. Response describes specifically, and in a step -by -step fashion, what the teacher and the children will do in all activities and transitions that are part of this learning expe rience. For each activity, an explanation is given for how the activity might be differentiated to meet the needs of individual children, including children with exceptionalities. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the follow ing: Response explains the decision -making process used in determining steps in the lesson for building knowledge and skills . Learning Objectives 3.4 : Describe strategies that will be used to assess children’s learning. Description of strategies that will be used to assess children’s learning is missing. Response vaguely explains how children’s learning will be assessed during and/or after the lesson. Assessment does not use observation/documentation. Assessment is not aligned with lesson goals/objectives. Response clearly explains how children’s learning will be assessed during and/or after the lesson. Assessment includes observation/documentation. Assessment is aligned with lesson goals/objectives. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response explains the decision -making process used in determining strategies that will ©2016 Walden University 5 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations be used to assess children’s learning. Learning Objective 3.5: Describe a lesson closure activity. Description of a lesson closure activity is missing. Closure activities/strategies that will be used to bring closure to the lesson are misaligned with the lesson. Closure activities/strategies do not involve summarizing, reviewing, and/or reflecting on the learning that has taken place during the lesson. Response describes one or more activities/strategies that will be used to bring closure to the lesson. Closure activities/strategies involve summarizing, reviewing, and/or reflecting on the learning that has taken place during the lesson. Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following: Response explains the decision -making process used in determining a lesson closure activity. Learning Objective 3.6: Engage in critical reflection of lesso n implementation. Engagement in critical reflection of lesson implementation is missing. Response vaguely describes children’s responses during the lesson that show whether or not children are grasping the literacy skills and concepts being targeted. Response vaguely describes adjustments made during the lesson based on children’s responses. Response vaguely explains whether or not the adjustments were effective , and why. Response clearly describes children’s responses during the lesson that show whet her or not children are grasping the literacy skills and concepts being targeted. Response clearly describes adjustments made during the lesson based on children’s responses and explains whether or not the adjustments were effective , and why. Response ex plains what could be done differently next time and what next steps can be taken to promote learning. Response demonstrates the same level of achievemen t as “2,” plus the following: Response explains how the planning, implementation, and reflection experiences supported professional growth and learning. ©2016 Walden University 6 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Response explains how families and others can be involved to support the children’s literacy learning. Professional Skill 1: Written Communication: Demonstrate graduate -level writing skills. Learning Objective PS 1.1: Use proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Multiple major and minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics are highly distracting and seriously impact readability. Multiple minor errors in grammar, spelling, and/or me chanics are distracting and negatively impact readability. Writing reflects competent use of standard edited American English. Errors in grammar, spelling, and/or mechanics do not negatively impact readability. Grammar, spelling, and mechanics reflect a h igh -level of accuracy in standard American English and enhance readability. Learning Objective PS 1.2: Organize writing to enhance clarity. Writing is poorly organized and incoherent.

Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are missing or inappropriate. Writing is loosely organized.

Limited use of introductions, transitions, and conclusions provides partial continuity. Writing is generally well organized. Introductions, transitions, and conclusions provide continuity and a logical progressi on of ideas. Writing is consistently well organized.

Introductions, transitions, and conclusions are used effectively to enhance clarity, cohesion, and flow. Learning Objective PS 1.3: Support writing with appropriate resources. Writing does not integrat e appropriate resources and content in support of ideas and argument. Writing loosely integrates some appropriate resources and content in support of ideas and argument. Writing sufficiently integrates appropriate resources (which may include peer -reviewed resources) and content in support of ideas and argument. Writing effectively integrates appropriate resources (which may include peer - reviewed resources) and content to support and expand upon ideas and arguments. ©2016 Walden University 7 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Learning Objective PS 1.4: Apply APA style to written work. APA conventions are not applied. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied inconsistently. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are generally applied corr ectly in most instances. Sources are generally cited appropriately and accurately. APA conventions for attribution of sources, structure, formatting, etc., are applied correctly and consistently throughout the paper. Sources are consistently cited appropr iately and accurately. Learning Objective PS 1.5: Use appropriate vocabulary and tone for the audience and purpose. Vocabulary and tone are inappropriate and negatively impact clarity of concepts to be conveyed. Vocabulary and tone have limited relevanc e to the audience. Vocabulary and tone are generally appropriate for the audience and support communication of key concepts. Vocabulary and tone are consistently tailored to the audience and effectively and directly support communication of key concepts. Professional Skill 5: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving : Use critical thinking and problem -solving skills to analyze professional issues and inform best practices. Learning Objective PS 5.1: Analyze assumptions and fallacies. Analysis of assumptions is missing. Response is weak in assessing the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response does not adequately identify and discuss the implications of fallacies or logical weaknesses in a given argument. Response g enerally assesses the reasonableness of assumptions in a given argument. Response identifies and discusses the implications of fallacies and/or logical weaknesses in a given argument. Response clearly and comprehensively assesses the reasonableness of ass umptions in a given argument. Response provides a detailed and ©2016 Walden University 8 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations compelling analysis of implications of fallacies and logical weaknesses in a given argument. Learning Objective PS 5.2 : Generate reasonable and appropriate assumptions. Assumptions are missing. Response does not adequately present and discuss key assumptions in an original argument. Response presents and discusses key assumptions in an original argument. Response justifies the reasonableness and need for assumptions in an original argu ment. Learning Objective PS 5.3 : Assess multiple perspectives and alternatives . Assessment of multiple perspectives is missing. Response does not identify nor adequately consider multiple perspectives or alternatives. Response identifies and consider s multiple perspectives and alternatives. Response justifies selection of chosen alternative relative to others. Learning Objective PS 5.4: Use problem -solving skills. Problems and solutions are not identified. Response presents solutions but they are ine ffective in addressing the specific problem. Response presents solutions that are practical and work in addressing the specific problem. Response presents compelling supporting arguments for proposed solutions. Professional Skill 6: Information Literacy : Apply appropriate strategies to identify relevant and credible information and data in order to effectively analyze issues and make decisions. Learning Objective PS 6 .1: Identify credible sources. Credible sources are missing. Some sources are credible, appropriate, and relevant to the topic. Most sources are credible, appropriate, and relevant to the topic. All resources are credible, appropriate, and relevant to the topic. Learning Objective PS 6 .2: Analysis is missing. Analysis superficially reflects relevance of findings to the Analysis clearly reflects relevance of findings to the identified problem, issue, or purpose. Analysis clearly reflects relevance of fi ndings to the ©2016 Walden University 9 0 Not Present 1 Needs Improvement 2 Meets Expectations 3 Exceeds Expectations Analyze findings from relevant sources. identified problem, issue, or purpose. identified problem, issue, or purpose and synthesizes findings to generate new insights.