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Prevalence of Childhood and Adulthood Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012

Authors: Ogden, Cynthia., Carroll, Margaret., Kit, Brian & Flegal, Katherine

Student: Daily Rodriguez Aguilera.

Prevalence of Childhood and Adulthood Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012

In the United States, obesity has become one of the most public health issues which affect both the children and adults in the country. In the recent times have seen the rate of the affected personalities escalating quickly, of which this has been a result of the adopted lifestyle choice, unwillingness to engage in exercise, nutritional issues or just simple one chooses to ignore the personal health decisions even though these people are conscious of the outcomes. Additionally, over a third of the US total population is approximate to be suffering from obesity as per the research conducted. At the same time, a very significant high of seventeen percent is attributable to the obesity prevalence are among the youth that is according to research conducted (Ogden, Carroll, Kit & Flegal, 2014). The research question of this study aimed to find out the rate of prevalence in both the adults and the children in the US between 2011 and 2012. To develop a comprehensive report on the same, the authors of this article utilized a sample size involving the children to two years of age, adolescents the period between 9 to 19, and finally the adults. The authors concluded from the research that the prevalence of obesity remains high over the years among the entire age group, of which this call upon for further examinations.

Hypothesis and the Process Used to Arrive at Conclusions

In the research study, the fundamental aim of the author was to investigate and offer the most current estimates on the toddler from 2 years obesity nationwide, and study the trends in childhood obesity between the year 2003 and 2012. The authors similarly intend to investigate the trends in the adult and the rate of the prevalence as well. Significantly, the National and Nutrition Examination Survey measured the height and weight of the 9120 research participants and tested for obesity between 2011 and 2012 (Ogden, Carroll, Kit & Flegal, 2014). To conclude, the children, as well as the adolescents between the ages of 2 and 19, were subjected to BMI test, whereas the toddlers with age two years and below were examined for the obesity through the Center for Disease Control and Preventions specifications of the height and weight in the growth chart

Research Methods

Does the author provide the literature review?

The author provides a very comprehensive literature review that scrutinizes the recent results and findings concerning obesity, significant findings, and the methodological as well as the theoretical framework contributions that were made in the past concerning the obesity. The research study is current; however, it was conducted some eight years ago, but obesity remains one of the most severe diseases among the United States of America and globally as a whole due to the lifestyle adopted by the majority. Moreover, the obesity diseases still a threat as well as a significant health issue in the current time because research has been set in place to investigate and find out the causes, the risk contributing factors as well as the development of comprehensive preventative measures.

The relevance of the research to current health issues

Currently, in the United States, obesity has become one of the crucial health issues. Approximately 35% of the American population is obese, the disease of obesity is not just an issue of (girth control), but currently, it is now considered as one of the chronic conditions by the American medical association. It is, in fact, the national epidemic, according to the CDC, which the Center for Disease Control and prevention. It is not just all about the weight challenge, but it is said it manifests severe effects for the individual metabolic, physical as well as psychological health. This aspect provides comprehensive nature on how obesity should be prevented hence call for more research studies to be conducted. With persistent and increase of obesity, this research study is relevant to the current state of growth in the number of people becoming obese in the country as well in the entire world.

Description of the research type utilized

More importantly, even though obesity proves to be a health issue researcher still can identify the causal effect relationship as well as the protective measures, the researchers in this journal article have chosen non-experimental research method design. The rationale for the non –experimental research method is because they have comprehensively provided relevant statistics to the designed objective as well as the research question, and they have not further identified the possible causal relationships. The necessary information has been collected through the interviews as well as performing various examinations on their desired target population to reach the determined conclusion. Also, these researchers observed the patterns as well as interpreted the outcome results with no use of laboratory tests, and this makes us conclude that the research method is non-experimental. The used sample, as previously identified, is from birth to adults as the research targeted both the children and the adult.

A total population of 9120 participants used with inclusive of all the age groups in which the 5181 constitutes of adults over the age of 20, 584 children and toddlers, and 1179 were not Hispanic Asians (Ogden, Carroll, Kit & Flegal, 2014). The gender populations, as well as their ages, were incorporated for a final research report. Concerning the identified community in the research, the Hispanic race has been used, which displays a form of bias in the study research. The author, though, shows that the previous investigations had oversampled the Hispanics, non-Hispanic Asian, not Hispanic black. This made it justifiable for the research to incorporate the non-Hispanic in the research study because they were left out in the previous time.

Application of the Research Results

Convincingly, the obesity prevalence rate, in fact, in the US is high. The current main focal point in most of the public health initiatives is childhood obesity, with a prevalence rate of 17% of all infant population (Ogden, Carroll, Kit & Flegal, 2014). Several pieces of research in a place health institution in the US have been directed to focus on childhood obesity, whereby nearly all states have funded initiatives to address the high recorded prevalence rate. Further, a third of the results of the research display adults as obese. With the research results, it is significant for the medical professional to work with state departments to develop measures to curb an increased rate of obesity in the US. This can be achieved through the comprehensive, collaborative initiative to provide the educational approach to address obesity in the community grassroots.

How is research practical?

The sufficient method to check on the individual weight, whether they are healthy, obese, or underweight is the use of body mass index; hence this justifies the research as practical. The body mass index is ever easy to interpret, and it is somehow affordable. This can permits the respondents to personal follow-ups even at home to assist in modifying total lifestyle change initiatives.

My opinion

In my view, it could be very prudent that the sample size of over 5000 representing the non-Hispanic Asian could have been distributed evenly among the US entire race so that it provides results that can be depended on by the US as a whole population. During the research, the design could have considered that the US is a multi-racial country, and the necessity to have all people sample is an excellent idea since different races have different lifestyles.

Is however clear and straightforward

The articulation of the relevant statistics and findings makes the research straightforward and bright, as the author displays. The way an individual can read and interpret the results is much open; thus, the analysis is detailed and straightforward. The language used in the entire research design is clear, which means even those not in the medical profession can follow and find relevant information that is of help.

Future Research

Chronic disease obesity is a broad subject that deemed persistently as well as a continuous research study. As the world continues, things proliferate. Individuals have changed themselves into busy routines with no physical exercise or time to prepare healthy means. Through sufficient management, obesity can be manageable to results in positive outcomes. Genetically aspect can be an essential element in the contributions factor for obesity; therefore, the need for further research is appropriate.


Comprehensively, the research has attained its optimum initial targets as well as assisted the claimed idea or hypothesis that the incidence of obesity is elevated in both adults as well as the children. While the researcher has used the non-experimental research technique, it would have been more suitable to use an experimental research technique to categorize the causal relationships and offer substantive recommendations.


Ogden. C, Carroll. M. Kit. B & Flegal, K (2014). Prevalence of Childhood and Adulthood Obesity in the United States, 2011-2012. Journal of the American Medical Association. 311(8): 806-814