Topic: Treatment Effectiveness for Veterans with PTSD Resources to use: PDF: Ethical Issues in Psychological Research PsychINFO Doran, J. M., & DeViva, J. (2018). A naturalistic evaluation of evidenc

PSY 444 Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric Overview: The final project for this course is a formal research project based on one of the psychological topics provided or a topic o f your choice (to be approved by your instructor), and it will include the following components: abstract, introduction, methods an d results, discussion, and references. Your report should be developed as if it were being presented at an undergraduate research conference. The final project is meant for you to propose a hypothetical study. You are not and should not be conducting huma n-subject research for this project. It is not necessary for the purposes of this assignment. All human -subject research requires written approval from the SNHU COCE Institutional Review Board in order to protect the welfare and ensure ethical treatment of the subjects. Prompt: For this part of the final project, you will create an introduction that includes a literature review of research pertinent to the topic area you have chosen. For this literature review, you will include the first five sources you identified in the Module One discussion. (You will add additional sources to this section of your paper for your final submission to meet the total requirement of 10.) This introduction should contain the following ele ments, which will dem onstrate your ability to interpret psychological research and develop research questions regarding unexplored topic areas:  An overview of your chosen topic  A specific statement about your thesis —the assertion that you are making based on your theoretical and background knowledge  A statement of the hypothesis to be tested through your proposed research  An overview of the proposed research, including the general research strategy you will use  A description of the existing knowledge on the topic  A literature review of resources relevant to the chosen topic (For this milestone, your literature review should include at least five scholarly sources that you identified in the Module One discussion.) When preparing your literature review, remember to address the following:  Describe the existing knowledge about your topic related to your research question: o What is already known about the topic? o What is not known? o How did this study add to the knowledge base for your topic?  Critically review the existing studies: o Are there flaws in their designs, such as sample size, or systematic errors that could be improved upon in your research? o Are there flaws in the logic of interpretations or conclusions? o State and evaluate the author’s suggestions for applying, extending, or improving their research. o Are there contradictory results or unanswered questions that could be addressed in your research? Rubric Guidelines for Submission: The draft of your introduction (including the literature review of five sources) must be 5 –6 pages in length, double spaced, with 12 - point Times New Roman font, one -inch margins, and APA formatting. Cite any references using APA formatting. Critical Elements Meets Expectations (100%) In Progress (75%) Does Not Meet Expectations (0%) Value Introduction:

Topic Overview Provides a general overview of the chosen topic, including the theoretical basis and major research findings Provides a general overview of the chosen topic but contains inaccuracies and/or does not include the theoretical basis and major research findings Does not include an overview of the research topic 15 Introduction:

Question or Problem Statement Identifies the specific problem or research question to be explored and the underlying thesis Identifies a specific problem or research question to be explored but contains inaccuracies and/or does not include the underlying thesis Does not include a research question or problem statement 15 Introduction: Statement of Hypothesis Explicitly states the hypothesis to be tested States the hypothesis to be tested, but hypothesis lacks detail Does not include a statement of the research hypothesis 15 Introduction:

Proposed Study Provides an overview of the proposed study, including the general research strategy to be used Provides an overview of the proposed study but does not identify the general research strategy to be used Does not include an overview of the proposed study 15 Introduction:

Existing Knowledge Describes the existing knowledge about the topic related to the research question, including what is known and what is unknown about the topic Describes the existing knowledge about the topic related to the research question but does not identify what is known and what is unknown about the topic Does not include a review of the existing knowledge related to the topic 15 Introduction:

Critical Review Critically reviews the existing studies related to the topic, identifying any research flaws, contradictory results, or unanswered questions Reviews the existing studies related to the topic but contains inappropriate literatu re and/or does not identify any research flaws, contradictory results, or unanswered questions Does not include a critical review of existing studies 15 Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas 10 Total 100%