Please cite your sources. Using the attachments, answer the questions below Part I: Changing demographics and Building Blocks Learning Center Using the “Demographics from Hansvale County” document, wr


To: Teacher of Building Blocks Learning Center

From: ­ Director

Date: June 7th

Re: Faculty Newsletter for Upcoming School Year

Building Blocks Learning Center (BBLC) will host a kick-off meeting to usher in our new school year. The purpose of this meeting is to welcome back our staff and faculty, and to address challenges and opportunities that BBLC will face in the coming year—and for years to come.

As one of our most valued teachers, I am writing to ask for your help. I would like to develop a faculty newsletter with articles written by members of our staff. The articles in this newsletter will serve as an introduction to several of the issues that affect early childhood learning centers. Since this is our first newsletter, and you are a more-experienced member of our staff, I am asking you to create four (4) articles to include in our newsletter. These articles will inform our faculty and help BBLC prepare for the upcoming year and meet our expected challenges.

In the newsletter, we would like you to write four articles about the following issues and trends in the field, and their impact on BBLC:

  • Changing demographics

  • Poverty and its impact on child development

  • Brain research and child development

  • Effective uses of technology in the classroom

At BBLC, our goal is to promote the healthy development and learning of every child. This newsletter is the first step in spreading awareness about the critical issues and trends that impact children, families, and our profession. Your help and guidance are greatly appreciated for this task.


Shana J. Roche

Building Blocks Learning Center Director

Please cite your sources. Using the attachments, answer the questions below Part I: Changing demographics and Building Blocks Learning Center Using the “Demographics from Hansvale County” document, wr 1