There is attachment ,In which you ll know how to do this .....Lab #1-1 The Linux EnvironmentIn this lab you will learn about the environment you will be using to do your lab assignments. The labs will
Getting into the Linux Lab Environment
Lab1-1 Helper Instructions
Professor Henry Anthony McKelvey
University of the Potomac
The Linux Operating system was created by Linus Torvalds of Finland. He needed an UNIX like operating system to complete an assignment for his college classes, he had tried to use MULTICS but there were some issues with the system and licensing so he built his own kernel and a few utilities. What he had created would become a revolution in the world of Operating Systems. We during this laboratory assignment will log into the Linux environment and discuss some of the functions of the method of logging into the environment.
Login methods
Logging into Linux is a simple as using the assigned login and password pairs. However, you must realize that there are multiple ways of logging into the Linux environment here are a few:
Command Line Telnet (Obsolete method of terminal based log in, send commands and credentials in plain text)
Command Line SSH (Current method of terminal based login, send commands and credentials via encrypted text)
Graphic User Interface Telnet (Uses a graphics based interface to login to systems, still has the old problems of plaintext transfers of data)
Graphic User Interface SSH (Uses a graphics based interface to login to systems, encrypted by the program)
We will be using either the CLI or GUI SSH login methods depending on your system. The important thing to understand here is that you must learn how to log into the environment, for that you need to use your Mac, PC or Laptop computer to do so. This means using your computer is mandatory in this class.
Spot Check for Microsoft Windows users
For the users of Windows 10 there are three versions of Windows 10, so I do not have the time nor the patience to go through the issues involved in turning on or loading SSH into your systems. Therefore this is a brief check to see if you have SSH loaded on your Windows based Personal Computers.
Bring up your command prompt (if you need to learn how to do the go to google and type: ”bring up command prompt windows 10” or if you have another version of Windows go to this link: . Once you bring up your command prompt type in the following command and press the enter key:
ssh -V
This command should create the following output: “OpenSSH_for_Windows_7.7p1, LibreSSL 2.6.5”
Figure 1
Results of ssh -V command
The above picture shows the output of the ssh –V command. If you do not see this output, or you may have a different version number, but if you do not see an output that looks like this, you do not have SSH loaded on your version of the MS Windows OS. This means you will have to load the application ssh or load the GUI version of an terminal emulator that has SSH functionality, we will use the GUI terminal emulator called Putty. If you have SSH <go to section on logging into the environment>
If you have Windows 10, but do not have SSH here is how you activate the utility on your PC. Go to: Follow the instructions on how to load the ssh client application.
If you do not have Windows 10 but have the a lower version such as Vista, 7, 8, or 8.1, we are going to load the Putty application, go to
Go to “Alternative binary files” and select the putty.exe file (64 or 32 bit depending on your system), download the file to your desktop and that is it. I am going about this in a “no fuss no muss” way, when you are through with this class you can just delete the app from your desktop and you are through.
OK class that is it for MS Windows Systems the next part will be on Mac OS Computers.
Spot Check for Apple Mac users
OK things just got a whole lot easier since the advent of Mac OS X. The Mac OS X uses BSD UNIX as its core OS. Therefore, the SSH client is already loaded into the OS; you just have to access it via your terminal. To get to your terminal do either of the following:
The Terminal app is in the Utilities folder in Applications. To open it, open your Applications folder, then open Utilities and double-click on Terminal
Press Command - spacebar to launch Spotlight and type "Terminal," then double-click the search result.
Once your terminal is open type in ssh -V and press the enter key this will give you the version of ssh you are using the output should look like this (Not exactly but close enough):
Figure 2
Mac Terminal Approximation
The terminal above shows the output of the version command executed to show which version of openssh you have. Just remember, the goal is to check and see if you have ssh, the version is irrelevant at this time. In the future you may want to upgrade your system to load the most recent version.
By the way if you are using Linux or UNIX already this part of the lesson is kind of perfunctory, but it is what it is, you will find that I do not do perfunctory tasks, if you need to know something I will tell you, but doing something just to do it is not my way, so don’t expect it.
Logging into the Environment
Once we have the ssh client loaded either openssh or Putty we are ready to log into the Linux environment. This is done the following ways:
Using the terminal “Openssh”
From your prompt “$” type in the following command using your login ID and ignoring the quotation marks:
ssh -p 2222 “your login ID”@
Figure 3
SSH command and password prompt
This command when you first login may give you a message indicating the use of the Diffie-Helman key exchange. At the end of this message type in Yes this will perform a key exchange between your machine and the environment server. If you want to discuss why this key exchange is needed we can do this as a part of the class. We will also go over why the command is written the way that it is written.
If everything goes well at this point you should be logged into the environment and be finished with Lab 1-1. You will then do a 3 page paper on what you did and your experiences doing the assignment. By 3 pages, I mean 3 active pages; this does not include the title and reference pages. If you give me a page count of 3-4 I’ll give you an “F”. I want 5 pages total, meaning 3 active pages, the title page, and reference page, 5 pages in all. An easy way to do this is to give me screen shots and then three or more sentences explaining the screen shots, do not just give me screen shots that will earn you an “F”.
Using the Putty Application
I hope that we do not have to walk down this road, but if we do here are the instructions for using the Putty application:
Download and put the Putty application on your desktop double click it to open it up.
In the Host Name Dialog box type the IP Address:
In the Port Dialog box type the port number: 2222
Select SSH
In the Saved Sessions Dialog box Type: Hacking Methodology
Click the save button (this will save your session as : Hacking Methodology)
Saving the session allows you to just choose it the next time you log in (choose the session the click on the load button) see figure 4.
Figure 4
Putty dialog boxes and variables to use
Once you load the session then click on the open button, the result will be a terminal emulation asking for your login ID and password or a message asking to perform the Diffie-Helman key exchange (please select “Yes”) By the way when you are typing in your password you will not see it echoed back to you (you will not see it!!).
If everything goes well at this point you should be logged into the environment and be finished with Lab 1-1. You will then do a 3 page paper on what you did and your experiences doing the assignment. By 3 pages, I mean 3 active pages; this does not include the title and reference pages. If you give me a page count of 3-4 I’ll give you an “F”. I want 5 pages total, meaning 3 active pages, the title page, and reference page, 5 pages in all. An easy way to do this is to give me screen shots and then three or more sentences explaining the screen shots, do not just give me screen shots that will earn you an “F”.