There are several research‐based strategies that can be used to teach students how to integrate the elements of the writing process (planning, organizing, writing and revising). Some of these strategi

Writing Strategies


Essay proficiently explains the POW + TREE, STOP and DARE, and a third research-based writing strategy. The third strategy is ideal for the grade described in the case study.

Strategy and Rationale


Essay recommends an ideal strategy for the case study student. It includes a compelling rationale for how the selected writing strategy would help the student meet her writing goal.

Engaging Student in Personal Reflection


Essay insightfully explains how selected writing strategy will allow case study student to engage in personal reflection and evaluate her own writing.

Thesis Development and Purpose


Thesis or main claim is comprehensive. The essence of the paper is contained within the thesis. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Argument Logic and Construction


Clear and convincing argument that presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative and thoroughly support the claim.

Mechanics of Writing (includes spelling, punctuation, grammar, language use)


Submission is virtually free of mechanical errors. Word choice reflects well-developed use of practice and content-related language. Sentence structures are varied and engaging.

Paper Format (use of appropriate style format)


All template and format elements are correct.

Documentation of Sources (citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., as appropriate to assignment and style)


Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

Total Percentage  100