Proposed Final Paper Details:Students should present a clear analytical review of their chosen leader’s leadership principals/philosophies and how these practices influence and/or shape current compan


Does not meet the standards

Partially meets the standards

Acceptable gaps in concepts

Demonstrates strong knowledge in concepts

Mastery of concepts


  • Company profit strategy, earnings

  • Marketing strategy, target market

  • Human resources practices, recruitment, management development programs, employee retention practices

  • Customer service approach

  • Ethics, social responsibility, sustainability

Fails to address the questions asked in a substantive manner. Content is unrelated to the assignment. Limited evidence

Meets some of the requirements of the assignment but not all. Evidence is given but not strongly supported.

Addresses the task or question asked reasonably well. Provides adequate examples and evidence although inconsistent or reasoning may be unclear

Clearly address the assignment. Provide evidence and proper citation.

Demonstrates mastery of the content for the assignment. Explores ideas vigorously, provides examples, evidence.

Students will critically examine how the leadership practices/philosophies affect or contribute to

  • Company profit strategy, earnings (10 points)

  • Marketing strategy, target market (10 points)

  • Human resources practices, recruitment, management development programs, employee retention practices (10 points)

  • Customer service approach (10 points)

  • Ethics, social responsibility, sustainability (10 points)

Organization and development of ideas



Using scholarly sources to strengthen key concepts

Citations in APA format

Proper Sources

Poor organization of ideas. Ideas seems illogical or unrelated

Writing is fragmented and transitions are abrupt and missing

Ideas are presented in a logical manner, transitions are sound, the sequence of ideas may occasionally be awkward

Ideas are presented in a logical manner, transitions are sound. The structure follows the required format

Ideas are clearly organized and transition from one point to another is smooth and logical. Structure follows precisely the required format

Clear introduction into the topic with a solid conclusion (10 points)

Students will incorporate current scholarly hospitality literature in describing their leader’s practices and effectiveness. (10 points)

Sources will be cited in proper APA format including a “Reference” page (5 points)

You must list at least 6 sources in APA format. 1 from book and 5 scholarly articles (10 points)

Language appropriateness and Grammar

Tone and vocabulary are inappropriate for business writing

Unable to understand meaning due to the number of errors in grammar punctuation, and spelling.

Tone and vocabulary are not appropriate for business writing

Frequent errors in grammar, punctuation or spelling disrupt reading and often obscure meaning

Tone and vocabulary are somewhat appropriate for business writing

Generally, follows grammar, punctuation, and spelling conventions with a few errors. For the most part, sentences are well constructed

Tone and vocabulary are mostly appropriate for business writing

Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are appropriate.  With limited errors. Sentence structure is correct

Tone and vocabulary are flawless for business writing

Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are flawless. Sentence structure is correct.

(10 points)


Assignment meets the requirements. 12-15 pages (5 points)