Topic: Project Management Training Thread: Read "The Need to Integrate Project Management and Organizational Change by Hornstein". In this reading, one of the key sections that Hornstein addresses is

MGMT 690 Discussion Board Forums Threads Grading Rubric


Levels of Achievement

Content 70%




Not present

Thread: Content

32 to 29 points

All key components of the (Group) Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread. The thread has a clear, logical flow. Major points are stated clearly. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis.

28 to 22 points

Most of the components of the Group Discussion Board Forum prompt are answered in the thread. The thread has a logical flow. Major points are stated reasonably well. Major points are supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis.

21 to 1 points

The Group Discussion Board Forum prompt are addressed minimally. The thread lacks flow or content. Major points are unclear or confusing. Major points are not supported by examples or thoughtful analysis.

0 points

Replies are not provided.

Structure 30%




Not present

Grammar and Current APA

5 points

No grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly and consistently. Writing is precise and word choice is appropriate. Current APA formatting for citations and references is accurate.

4 points

Few grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used correctly. Writing style is sufficient and word choice is adequate. Current APA formatting for citations and references is accurate overall.

3 to 1 points

Several grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors are present. Voice and person are used inconsistently. Writing style is understandable but could be improved. Inconsistent current APA formatting for citations and references.

0 points

Numerous spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors are present. Writing style is difficult to understand and current APA is not followed.


8 points

Academic materials are seamlessly integrated into the discussion. At least three scholarly resources are cited and an accurate reference list is provided.

7 to 6 points

Academic materials are integrated into the discussion. At least three scholarly resources are cited and a reference list is provided.

5 to 1 points

Academic materials are integrated into the discussion, though not all required scholarly resources are cited and/or an inconsistent reference list is provided.

0 points

Post is not supported by resources.