The instructions, the previous assignments needed, the reading, and the template are attached below. Please follow all the instructions carefully. The role that I selected is Patient Experience Manage


Week 1 Assignment: Role Application to Selected Case Study

HMGT 300 6380 Introduction to the U.S Health Care Sector 2205

Taneshia Davis


Professor: Todd Price

May 24, 2020

Section#1. A Description of the Role/Position

In a healthcare organization, Patient Experience Management conducts the roles of Patient Advocate. The officer in charge of this department/section is the Patient Experience Manager (PEM). In Minnesota, the roles and duties of the Patient Experience Manager are (Meyer, 2019):

One, the PEM coordinates and directs all activities regarding patient experiences within the healthcare system. The manager ensures that patients fully engage in the activities alongside experienced healthcare personnel for high-quality service delivery. Two, the PEM ensures his or her personnel comply with all policies and procedures governing clients, divisions, government, and the corporate world. This is important in observing inter-team compliance and competencies. Three, the PEM conducts an assessment of the healthcare providers and the systems in healthcare organizations. These assessments aim at ensuring that all healthcare facilities were up to standard and equipped to provide satisfactory services. Four, the PEM takes charge of the improvement and implementation activities of the initial and successive patient experiences training programs that equip staff and physicians at the market and centralized level. This is important in promoting competence and delivery of high-quality healthcare services in the Minnesota population. Five, the PEM conducts patient experiences healthcare promotions in partnership with "Talent Management, Organizational Development, and Learning (TMODL)" based on the current healthcare best practices. This promotes healthcare promotion and increases patients services awareness and satisfaction. Six, the PEM serves as the central contact point for the patients' inquiries, experiences, and feedback. All information from the patients and to the patients concerning their experiences and other questions go through him or her.

The Level of the Management

The PEM works with supervisory teams like the director of the laboratory, diagnostic services, director rehabilitation, nurse managers, and director quality assurance. Other officers that work in close supervisory duties are the finance officers, community outreach, and diagnostic service officers. The subordinate chains include the supervisor PT, supervisor OT & ST, and nurses.

Main Skills for Effectiveness and Efficiency

The PEM should possess an HS diploma, GED, or its equivalent. He should have a 4-year degree and 2 to 3 years of experience in the field of customer relations. He should have related expertise in hospitality or healthcare industries. The PEM should have an excellent ability to mobilize people. He or she should be able to demonstrate excellent leadership skills. Excellent coaching and training skills are essential to qualify him and her as an excellent trainer. The PEM should demonstrate a high level of business acuity and insight. He should demonstrate excellent organizational skills and should be able to multi-task, yielding high-quality output under minimal supervision. As a PEM, one should be able to work under diverse environments and pressure (Meyer, 2019).

Section#2. Importance of PEM in Case Identified

The PEM is essential in conducting healthcare promotion and education initiatives to ensure the community understands the reasons for vaccination, facts, misconceptions, and immunization schedules in health facilities. The PEM plays a vital role in receiving patients' experiences, inquiries, and feedbacks and uses them to enlighten the healthcare staff on the opportunities and responsibilities that need their efforts in the community. The PEM is essential in formulating community intervention programs that will deliver high-quality health services and promote patient experience performance (Hall et al., 2017).

Managerial Issues Affecting Organization

Inadequate Resources to Carry Out Community Outreach Problem

The community of Minnesota Hennepin County is large and cosmopolitan. A large amount of money is needed to publish fliers, conduct community sensitization rallies, and distribution of healthcare information. The program will need to inform the public about the measles outbreak and the safety of the vaccine. This needs both face-to-face interaction and dissemination of evidence-based findings of measles vaccines. The identification and follow-up of the exposed people are expensive and require substantial human and other aiding resources (Hall et al., 2017).

Identifying Spread Rate

The healthcare staff should collect information from children's care centers, and schools attendance lists to know the number of children exposed to the outbreak. The team should then identify the children that had been vaccinated against measles in the past >21 days. This should be done with the help of the children's care center information system and Minnesota Immunization Information System. The exposed people should be followed up and control interventions initiated on them (Hall et al., 2017).

Section#3. PEM and Other Roles

As PEM, I will work with finance on a supervisory level to plan and control resource expenditure inpatient experience. The communication department will report to me the feedbacks and experiences of the patients while I will report to the management on the level of satisfaction of the patient. I will also report to the administration on the degree of patient experience initiatives and project implementation and their outcomes. The reporting structure will be hybrid. There shall be horizontal, up-down, and down-up communication channels. I will work with directors of patient services, manager of nurses, and community outreach team as co-workers to deliver quality services to patients. As sub-ordinates, I will work with the communication department, TP, OT, and St Supervisors.


Hall, V., Banerjee, E., Kenyon, C., Strain, A., Griffith, J., Como-Sabetti, K., ... & Johnson, D. (2017). Measles outbreak—Minnesota April–May 2017. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 66 (27), 713.

Meyer, M. A. (2019). Qualifications and Skills Required for Patient Experience Positions. Journal of Patient Experience, 2374373519895091.