The instructions, the previous assignments needed, the reading, and the template are attached below. Please follow all the instructions carefully. The role that I selected is Patient Experience Manage



HMGT 300 6380 Introduction to the U.S Health Care Sector 2205

Taneshia Davis


Professor: Todd Price

June 16, 2020


Minnesota Health Care (MHC)






protecting, maintaining and improving the health of all Minnesotans

Website link


  1. Inadequate resources to carry out community outreach problem.

  2. Identifying the spread rate.

persons represented:

  1. The citizens of Minnesota.

  2. Minnesota immunization Information system.

What they gain:

  1. Reducing the spread of measles.

  2. Taking care of children having measles Immunization Information system.

  3. Children care center information system.

How Patient Experience Management (PEM) improves patient care at MHC:

  1. Ensuring patients are fully engaged in inpatient experience activities.

  2. Ensuring healthcare professionals are compliant with rules and policies.

  3. Monitoring and evaluation of health care providers to ensure the delivery of high-quality services.

  4. Monitoring and evaluating health care systems in the organization

  • The PEM works with supervisory teams like the director of the laboratory, diagnostic services, director rehabilitation, nurse managers, and director quality assurance.

  • Other officers that work in close supervisory duties are the finance officers, community outreach, and diagnostic service officers.

  • The subordinate chains include the supervisor PT, supervisor OT & ST, and nurses. They work with these departments to initiate, improve, and implement patient experience programs that equip doctors and health employees with relevant patient skills, knowledge, and competencies necessary for satisfactory health care service provision.

  • PEM is always active in the health care setting as he will work with the finance department on a supervisory level and tcontrol resource expenditure inpatient experience.

  • PEM will also work with the communication department as the manager generates reports on feedbacks and experiences of patients.


Minnesota Heath Facility about us page Retrieved from < >

Hall, V., Banerjee, E., Kenyon, C., Strain, A., Griffith, J., Como-Sabetti, K., ... & Johnson, D. (2017). Measles outbreak—Minnesota April–May 2017. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report, 66 (27), 713.

Hviid, A., Hansen, J. V., Frisch, M., & Melbye, M. (2019). Measles, mumps, rubella vaccination, and autism. Annals of internal medicine, 171(5), 388.

Meyer, M. A. (2019). Qualifications and Skills Required for Patient Experience Positions. Journal of Patient Experience, 2374373519895091.