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Date: 10/17/2018 MEMO TO: 306 Industries Employees FROM: David Bell SUBJECT: Benefits Older W orkers Can Bring to the Company After a recent survey, i t has come to notice that our workforce may have some doubts about the benefits of bringing in older employees . Older workers can benefit the company for the following reasons: Older workers have gained valuable experience • Job Experience - Gained valuable experience through previous jobs • Life Experience - Have lived longer and experienced more events • Emotional Experience - Had time to learn and reflect from their experiences • Wisdom Gained from E xperience -They have had time to learn from their mis takes Older workers bring confidence . • Know Their S trengths -Know where they can be most productiv e • Know How to L ead - Value input of others • Are C ommunicators -Can work as a team • More Expertise -From years of experience Older workers are reliable • Address Their W eaknesses -By learning from mistakes • Show Up on T ime -Have their routine down • Not distracted easily - Not Texting All D ay • People Friendly - Good at Customer Service Older workers are loyal • Team P layers -Work towards common goals • Like Their Job M ore - Gives them a purpose. • Satisfied with J ob-They need something to do • Not Preoccupied by F amily - Kids are grown up Older workers can save our company time • Can B e Effective Immediately - They are already trained. • Can Make G ood Decisions Quickly - Think on their toes • Can Provide Skills to Younger E mployees -Leading by example • Have Advanced Critical T hinking - Can identify where changes could be made. We at 306 Industries should embrace hiring older employees because of their many talents. We hope that you keep an open mind to working with and learning from any of our new hires.