Actual work where 2 students given their post on this:What do you think is the single greatest physical threat to information systems? Fire? Hurricanes? Sabotage? Terrorism? Discuss this question and

Physical Threat to Information Systems

Information system's main aim is to turn data into useful information for individuals or given organization. Information security is mandatory for any given entity as it plays a vital role in aspects such as disaster recovery. Physical threats to computers involve damage to aspects such as hardware and infrastructure critical to information (Chandler & Chandler, 2020). There are various physical threats to data, some significant risks being fire, hurricanes, sabotage, and terrorism. Based on my argument, I deem sabotage as the most significant threat to information systems. Sabotage is the most significant threat to information systems. The reasoning is based on the fact that the other forms of physical threats mentioned in the question are external threats. At the same time, sabotage is an internal threat. Sabotage involves individuals working for the institution compromising data by sharing details or creating vulnerability in the systems that may be used by third parties who execute malicious threats to data.

Sabotage threats are less likely to be detected as organizations assume that their workers are an asset to the organization. Therefore, institutions have to come up with effective means that will ensure that there are necessary procedures set to prevent sabotage (Hartmann & Schreck, 2018). It is ideal to note changes in emotions and behavior by employees. Having a reporting system in various departments will ensure that such loopholes are addressed quickly. Making the employees understand that they are part of the system will ensure that some of the issues are resolved.

Segregation of duties will ensure that employees are more liable to their actions. This will prevent sabotage as individuals will be more accountable for their actions. Coming up with comprehensive policies will ensure that accounts are managed quickly (Serenko, 2019). Updating passwords will ensure that the chances of attacks are mitigated significantly. Individuals in the company should also understand and be vigilant against such attacks. Individuals should be put in a position that allows them to be aware of such attacks. Understanding the various punishments that may accrue to individuals will ensure that sabotage is reduced significantly in the long run.


Chandler, J. H., & Chandler, J. K. (2020). U.S. Patent Application No. 16/240,651.

Hartmann, F., & Schreck, P. (2018). Rankings, performance, and sabotage: The moderating effects of target setting. European Accounting Review27(2), 363-382.

Serenko, A. (2019). Knowledge sabotage as an extreme form of counterproductive knowledge behavior: conceptualization, typology, and empirical demonstration. Journal of Knowledge Management.