i have already typed out a intro/thesis for this essay, i need 3 body paragraphs and a conclusion. The topic i chose was should trophy hunting be banned. the document named (position essay thesis) is

ENC 110 2

The Position Paper

For this assignment, you are to write a position paper. The position paper requires you to establish a clear claim. You are to “d raw a line in the

sand” and state your position. In your introduction, you should establish the problem or the importance of the i ssue by providing some

background information about the topic. Also, you should identify the people who are negatively impacted by this problem or i ssue. Towards

the end of your introduction you should establish a clear claim —your position. As you make you r argument, you should consider your

opponent’s position, but your goal is to establish a claim and argue your point.

Select a topic from the below list:

1. Should state government ban capital punishment? 2. Should teenagers under the age of eighteen be a llowed to play adult rated video games? 3. Should couples live together before marriage? 4. Should the U.S. government subsidize the newspaper industry? 5. Should local governments be allowed to use surveillance cameras in public areas? 6. Should convicte d felons who have served their time have the right to vote in local, state, and national elections? 7. Should public schools be allowed to refuse admission to students who are not vaccinated? 8. Should police departments be defunded? 9. Should colleges and universities consider standardized test scores as part of the admission process? 10. Should all citizens be required to serve in the military for at least two years? 11. Should the identity of those arrested for felonious or heinous crimes remain anonymo us until found guilty? 12. Should members of Congress have term limits? 13. Should the government ban breastfeeding in public places? 14. Should faculty and students be required to wear masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) on a college camp us? 15. Should American citizens receive free tuition to attend a public college or university? 16. Should federal elections be made a national holiday? 17. Should the government provide subsidies to encourage people to purchase electric cars? 18. Should t rophy hunting be banned?

Research Component: I do want you to research at least four (4) sources (i.e., articles from magazines, scholarly journals, e dited collections,

book chapters, official reports) for this assignment. Your sources should provide you with enough information about both sides of the

argument. Please locate at least two (2) of your sources via the TCC database. (No Wikipedia sources!)


*** Make sure your sources are credible and relevant to the topic .



Length: 3 -5 pages

Other reminders: Font Times Roman / Size 12; Double Spaced; Include Page Numbers (top right corner of page); and NO COVER PAG E. Your first

page should look like this:

(Top le ft, some teachers might ask you to place it on top right and double space) Jane Doe (Your name) ENC 1102.Ref # (the class and the reference) K. Thompkins (my name) May 30, 2016 (Date the paper is due)

“If You Want to Feel Funky, Feel Free. But Please Don’ t Spread that Funk on Me: Social Commentary in Today’s Comedy Routines” (Title of paper) The beginning of your paper

Outline of a Position Essay

Below is a very general skeleton of what you should aim for in this argumentative essay:

Introduction (Remember, every essay should have some type of introduction) [1 to 3 Paragraphs]

• Your objective in this introduction is to grab your reader’s attention. In other words, encourage them to want to read your e ssay.

Please refer to the writing mu ltiple leads handout.

• You should provide the historical significance of the debate.

• You should establish the context for your position by clearly defining the debate / conflict. Consider who is negatively impacted by

this problem.

• You should allude to the values or principles that form the basis of your position.

• Also, you should establish that there are different sides to this debate.

• Of course, you should establish your claim —STATE YOUR POSITION!

Body (Remember, I hate teaching formulaic writing, so I will give you a general outline of how one of your main points / grounds m ight be

argued. ) [4 to 6 Paragraphs]

Main Point / Ground (What you do for this ground should be done for each ground you establish):

• You should be prepared to establish a ground and explain to your reader the significance of this ground as it relates to your claim

(posi tion).

• You should be prepared to provide details (i.e., logical reasoning, evidence, data, and/or scholarship) to support the assert ions you

make in each ground.

• You should use your research —those secondary sources —for better backing.

Conclusion [1 to 2 Paragraphs]

• Bring closure to your discussion.

• You might offer an alternative way to view your issue.

• You might reiterate what is wrong with your opponent’s position and what is right about yours.

Opposition’s Perspective

Because there are several ways you can introduce the opposition’s perspective in your essay, I will simply remind you to present the other

side somewhere in your essay. It’s very important that you discuss what your opponent says about the issue. Now, you can do t his in each

ground section, you can present your opponent’s side in one paragraph after the introduction and proceed to argue your claim based on

your grounds, or you can present your opponent’s side near the end of your essay and provide a rebuttal and closing remarks i n your

concl usion section.

Again, please include a Works Cited section at the end of the paper.Submission: