Putting Social Advocacy Skills into Action Writing a proposal that functions as a focus of change is a significant part of being a social worker/policy advocate. This is your opportunity to use your a

Many issues in the society have not received the desired attention and requires appropriate policy advocacy for the approval by the decision makers. Despite the needs to limit the number of issues that policy makers need to consider, disability is one of the issues that have to be considered with ultimate attention because of its nature and the implications it has to the wider society. The number of legislations that needs to be met by a policy for it to be considered by the policy makers need to be reduced in order to make it easier to implement policies that will solve the issue associated with trauma linked with discrimination that people with disability are exposed to in their daily life. The most important is to reduce the number of legal legislations that make it difficult to achieve the legislative agenda and avoid time lags that make it difficult to implement some policies (Jansson, 2018).

Some issues lack the required threshold support for them to attract the attention of the decision makers for them to be considered in their agenda. The issue of disability needs to be strategized by not only the policy advocates but also the entire society because of the weight it holds. The issue of disability has medical implications so it has to remain politically neutral and should be considered despite how unpopular the decision may look to the decision makers. However, the issue of the policy will be considered as an item that will attract the attention of the decision makers because it will motivate their political agenda for reelection. It is important to ensure the issue of disability is given the necessary support that will enhance recognition by the legislators since it creates an opportunity for them to make fast decision on such a policy (Jansson, 2018).


Jansson, B.S. (2018). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice to social justice. (8th ed.). Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Series.