Instructions Final Project Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission. Title


Unit III Assignment


Columbia Southern University

Research Methodology, Design, and Methods

Sun Coast has been experiencing a challenge of upholding the safety of its workers. The management of the organization should, therefore, establish coherent strategies to control the impacts of lead on employees. This discussion aims to identify the problems faced by the Sun Coast and come up with their solutions. Positivist worldview research methodology will be utilized in this discussion. The study will further use the scientific method of analysis coupled with correlative research design. The process of analyzing data will involve one way ANOVA, paired sample t-test, independent t t-test, simple regression and multiple regressions.

Research methodology

Positivist worldview centres on validity, truth, reason, and hypothesis and data analysis. Positivist worldview holds that science is the only way of acquiring truthful knowledge through observation, as well as trustworthiness measurement (Keightley, 2010). Positivism worldview was employed in this research due to various reasons. First, it relies on quantitative data, a factor that will make the research more reliable. Secondly, it will promote the achievement of trustful study results as it is more scientific in its method of analysis. Thirdly, the technique offers objective data that researchers can use to make scientific suppositions.

Research Design

A correlative research design will be employed in this study, as it is crucial in testing the relationship between variables (Cook & Cook, 2016). The variables to be tested in this discussion include hours lost in training and training expenses, PM and health impact on the workers, updating of the different training programs and archived training, lead poisoning and blood of the employees, returns on investment and the services that lead to financial growth, and aspired level of the work environment and the existing healthy work environment. The correlation research design will effectively measure the relationship between variables hence determining how a given incident is caused (Cook & Cook, 2016).

Research Methods

The scientific research method has proved to be very reliable and competent in all sorts of organizational studies (Donkoh, 2017). The scientific research method has been selected for this discussion due to various reasons. First, it facilitates the application of both the qualitative and quantitative approaches to collecting data. Secondly, it ensures that the subjects of the research are controlled quickly hence making the data collection process effective. Additionally, the scientific method guarantees a step-by-step advance of data collection, thus avoiding errors and bias. The scientific method also paves a room for the ethical handling of the research subjects (Donkoh, 2017).

Methods of Data Collection

The main methods of data collection are interviewing and observation. Members of the staff will be observed in their daily operations and activities. Workers and management will also be interviewed while completing their routine tasks and processes. The observations and interviews will be recorded for further analysis (Harwoodn & Hutchinson, 2009).

Sampling Design

The research will utilize convenient sampling due to its various benefits. First, a convenient sample will ensure that research samples are reached quickly. Secondly, it will save on time and resources as the research subjects will be identified easily. Additionally, the method is crucial in ensuring that the data is readily available. Moreover, convenient sampling is useful in pilot studies (Harwoodn & Hutchinson, 2009).

Data Analysis Procedure

The process of data analysis will utilize different methods. First, simple regression will be used to help in the prediction of the value of the dependent variable. Secondly, the multiple regressions will be used to learn more about the connection between the dependent and independent variables (Booth, 2018). Thirdly, independent t-test will be used to compare the means of the two independent groups to wrap up whether a statistical proof exists that the connection means are significantly different. Moreover, a paired sample t-test will be used to assert whether the difference in the trend among the observations equals to zero (Booth, 2018)o. Finally, the one-way ANOVA testing will be used to affirm whether any statistically significant differences among the study groups exist (Booth, 2018).


Booth, J. (2018). Analysis of Variance for Random Models: Theory, Methods, Applications, and Data Analysis, Vol. 1: Balanced Data, Analysis of Variance for Random Models: Theory, Methods, Applications, and Data Analysis, Vol. 2: Unbalanced Data. Journal Of The American Statistical Association, 101(475), 1310-1310.

Cook, B., & Cook, L. (2016). Research Designs and Special Education Research: Different Designs Address Different Questions. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 31(4), 190-198.

Donkoh, S. (2017). The Scientific Method and the Growth of Scientific Knowledge. International Journal Of Innovative Research And Development, 6(11).

Harwoodn, E., & Hutchinson, E. (2009). Data Collection Methods Series Part 5. Journal Of Wound, Ostomy And Continence Nursing, 36(5), 476-481.

Keightley, E. (2010). Remembering research: memory and methodology in the social sciences. International Journal Of Social Research Methodology, 13(1), 55-70.