Instructions Final Project Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission. Title


Inferential Statistics


Columbia Southern University

Independent Samples t-Test: Hypothesis Testing

Ho4: From the obtained results, there exists a statistically significant difference in the means of group A and Group B training scores as 9.664 (the t stat value) surpasses the 1.99 (the critical two-tail value).

Ha4: From the obtained results, there is no statistically significant difference in the mean values of Group A and Group B training scores.




t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Unequal Variances


Variable 1

Variable 2










Hypothesized Mean Difference



t Stat


P(T<=t) one-tail


t Critical one-tail


P(T<=t) two-tail


t Critical two-tail


From the results, it can also be seen that a P-value of 1.99 is higher than 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis has to be accepted, and there is no statistically significant difference in the mean values of Group A and Group B training scores (Bashir, 2018).

Dependent Samples (Paired Samples) t-Test

Ho4: There is no statistically significant difference in the means before exposure and after exposure of the workers as the t-stat value us 1.929803. The P-value is 0.5955, meaning the results are not significant as 0.05 is less than the P-value.

Ha4: There is a statistically significant difference in the means before exposure and after exposure of the workers

Instructions Final Project Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission. Title 1

From the results, it is evident that the mean values before and after exposure of the employees have no significant differences as the P-value of 0.5955 is higher than 0.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected in this case due to lack of adequate evidence to show that there is no a statistically significant difference in the means before exposure and after exposure of the workers (Bashir, 2018).


Ho4: There is a statistically significant difference in the means of water, air, soil and training on the consulting project ROI. There is an F-ratio value of 11.9231, and the p-value is less than 0.00001. Thus, this makes the results significant as P is less than the alpha level of 0.05.

Ha4: All means are not equal for water, air, soil and training on the consulting project ROI.

Instructions Final Project Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission. Title 2

The results show that all the mean for soli, air, water and training were of significant difference, as there is a P value of 0.0001, which is higher than the alpha level of 0.05. Thus, the null hypothesis is accepted due to lack of adequate evidence to state that all four means are not statistically significant on the consulting project ROI (Su et al., 2017).


Bashir, J. (2018). Hypothesis Testing. Scientific Journal Of India3(1), 62-63.

Su, Y., Di, C., & Hsu, L. (2017). Hypothesis testing in linear functional models. Biometrics73(2), 551-561.