Instructions Final Project Now that you have completed the first six assignments, it is time to complete your research project for the course. Include the following sections in your submission. Title


Sun Coast Literature Review


Columbia Southern University

The primary issue facing the Sun Coast is employee safety. Sun Coast has not yet established adequate measures to promote the safety of its workers. Most of the workers at Sun Coast are not performing effectively as the organizational management has not created a supportive and comfortable work environment. Therefore, the Sun Coast is also facing severe productivity issues that should be addressed adequately. This paper aims to review pieces of literature that can effectively solve the problems that Sun Coast is facing.

Shan et al., 2014 researched to determine the factors controlling worker satisfaction in Lenovo Group. The research employed an inclusive assessment index system worker satisfaction was created based on a survey and a systematic analysis of data. Through the application of the structural equation modelling method, the significant factors influencing worker compensation and their interrelationships were spotted. The technique employed in the research is critical and can be applied as a reference for measuring satisfaction among workers and administration in IT service enterprise. Sun Coast can utilize the research to come up with practical ways of boosting employee satisfaction and promoting productivity.

Afshinpour (2014) conducted a correlation study to determine the relationship between employee satisfaction and leadership styles. This research displayed a quantitative correlation study to determine how leadership style partiality correlates with worker satisfaction with control among leaders and employees of some organizations. Afshinpour (2014) measures the preference of each of the five styles of leadership and scrutinizes correlations with the measure of worker satisfaction. The study showed that each of the five leadership styles has a constructive correlation with worker satisfaction, and determined that situational leadership can be the most effective style for leaders in some organizations. Sun Coast can adopt situational leadership to promote efficiency in its operations.

Yunus and Ernawati (2018) researched the link between redesigning office and productivity of workers. Yunus and Ernawati (2018) applied a mixed-method approach that integrated hierarchical regression analysis, factor analysis, and most significant change (MSC). The research found out that three variables appeared to impact the office redesign recognized by respondents: privacy, collaboration and friendship. Privacy and collaboration were found to exercise a positive control of employee productivity, while association does not. The management of Sun Coast has to promote confidentiality and collaboration, which are crucial in facilitating employee productivity. Sun Coast should also to come up with office redesign strategies that favour both the older and young generations.

Bayram (2019) conducted a study to determine the relationships between safety training and competence, safety performance, employee involvement and satisfaction and employee satisfaction. The study collected data from128 manufacturing companies in Turkey that had implemented Occupational Health and Safety Management. Bayram (2019) analyzed data using confirmatory factor analysis and respectively, exploration. Results showed that safety training and competence have a considerable positive impact on worker satisfaction, and safety performance has a significant positive effect on worker satisfaction. Sun Coast should, therefore, improve their employee participation, involvement and safety training to promote satisfaction and productivity.

Tarlow (2015) conducted research aimed at teaching the principles of ANOVA. According to Zwanenburg et al., (2011), the knowledge of principles of ANOVA plays a fundamental role in enhancing the knowledge and skills of workers. Employees who have been trained on the principles of ANOVA can solve significant issues in the organization through creativity and critical thinking. Tarlow (2015) emphasizes the effectiveness of inferential reasoning, which is crucial in resolving substantial matters in schools. Findings of Tarlow (2015) were also stressed by Zwanenburg et al., (2011) who conducted related research to establish the effectiveness of ANOVA. The findings of Tarlow (2015) and Zwanenburg et al., (2011) can be applied by Sun Coast to resolve the issues that they are currently facing. Improving the creativity and critical thinking of employees can fundamentally enhance their productivity (Tarlow, 2015).


Afshinpour, S. (2014). Leadership Styles and Employee Satisfaction: A Correlation Study. International Letters Of Social And Humanistic Sciences, 27, 156-169.

Bayram, M. (2019). Safety Training and Competence, Employee Participation and Involvement, Employee Satisfaction, and Safety Performance: An Empirical Study On Occupational Health And Safety Management System Implementing Manufacturing Firms. Alphanumeric Journal, 301-318.

Shan, S., Li, C., Yao, W., Shi, J., & Ren, J. (2014). An Empirical Study on Critical Factors Affecting Employee Satisfaction. Systems Research And Behavioral Science, 31(3), 447- 460.

Tarlow, K. (2015). Teaching principles of inference with ANOVA. Teaching Statistics, 38(1), 16-21.

Yunus, E., & Ernawati, E. (2018). Productivity paradox? The impact of office redesign on employee productivity. International Journal Of Productivity And Performance Management, 67(9), 1918-1939.

Zwanenburg, G., Hoefsloot, H., Westerhuis, J., Jansen, J., & Smilde, A. (2011). ANOVA- principal component analysis and ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis: a comparison. Journal Of Chemometrics, 25(10), 561-567.