Assignment 5 focuses on decision making, creative thinking and heuristics. Few people realize how the way they think is often bounded by ideas that force them to limit their options and think, well, f

Solutions to Heuristics Problems

Problem 1. To get across the river the farmer needs to first take the goose across, Next he should row back across the river and take either the dog or corn, it won’t matter. Once he delivers the dog or corn across he should put the goose back in the boat and row back with it to the side he started on leaving his second item, the dog or corn alone on the far side of the river. Once the farmer gets across, he’ll take the third item across and leave the goose on the original shore. Finally the farmer will take on last round trip and retrieve the goose for a second time and take it across the river.

Problem 2. Take one lug nut off each of the remaining three wheels and use them on the spare tire once the flat tire has been replaced. This will allow the driver to drive out of the desert.

Problem 3. The friends can take one of the hoses used to water the lawns and give one end to their friend to use as a snorkel to breathe through until he can be rescued.

Problem 4.

Problem 5.

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Problem 6.

Place a coin at each intersection of two lines on the five pointed star to get five rows of four.

Problem 7,

Set two coins from the eight coins aside and weigh three coins on one side of the scale and three coins on the other. If both sides weigh the same then weight the two coins set aside and the heavier one will be the one you seek. If on the other hand one of the groups of three coins you originally weighed is heavier, then select two of that group of three that was heaviest and weight them again. If one of them is heavier, then that is the coin you seek. If both weigh the same than the third coin from your group of three that you set aside is the coin you seek.

Problem 8.

Cut the cake in half with your first cut right through the center. Cut the cake in quarters with your second cut at a 90 degree angle to your first cut. With your third and final cut, slice the cake horizontally instead of vertically right through the center essentially cutting the cake into two layers. That will give you eight identically sized pieces.

Problem 9.

Form the triangle at the bottom. Now think in three dimensions and put one end of the toothpicks or pencils at the three points of the triangle and the other end of the toothpicks should all meet together in the center above your original triangle on the ground. It should look like a three sided pyramid.

Problem 10.

You should unwrap your friend’s lollipop and stick it in his mouth and he should do the same thing for you.