**Keep headers and provide in-text scholarly references** Post a 300- to 500-word response in which you address the following: Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for the client. For any diagnosis that y

C ASE OF SOFIA INTAKE DATE: Mar 20 20 DEMOGRAPHIC DATA: This is a voluntary intake for this 3 3-year -old Hispanic fe male. Sofia has been married for 9 years and has been having challenges with her wif e for the past four months. Sofia and her wife have one daughter and t wo sons. Sofia is employed as a car sales manag er and is very successful at her career. CHIEF COMPLAINT: "My wife insisted I seek treatment due to my behavior. I do not want to lose my family. My wife said if I attend treatment we can stay together." HISTORY OF ILLNESS: Sofia reports having one past psychiatric incident . At twenty -seven -years -old , Sofia attempted suicide after her wife of one year left her. She was hospitalized in a psychiatric unit for three days. Sofia showed signs of feeling down, fearful, and suicidal. Her wife indicated she would become very agitated and would sometimes punch the wall. She feared she would be the victim of some of her acting out. For a few weeks, Sofia would not get out of bed or go to work because she said she could not concentrate on work, she was feeling so bad. Sh e sought treatment now by the encouragement of her wife who described Sofia as strange lately . Sofia alw ays embraced life and goes through periods of being “on top of the world .” Sofia reports she is very generous with her family and buy s a lot of gifts, which everyone appreciates, even though her wife sometimes complains about it. “It’s not like I can ’t afford it” Sofia states. Her wife indicates that something is different over the past couple of months but cannot really put her finger on it. More recently , Sofia has days which she is more talkative than in the past and wants the entire family to have “family discussion” time. Her wife and the children could not get a word in edgewise though . Her wife worries that Sofia may be using some kind of drug periodically especially when Sofia is up most of the night. She needs to sleep to get to work but a few hours of sleep does not seem to affect her . Her work is not affected by this behavior. This behavior see ms to settle down after a few days. When asked , it was reported that it does not even last a week but has been coming back. PSYCHOSOCIAL HIST ORY: Sh e is employed at a car dealership and started off washing cars . Her focus was on advancing her career and she believed she could get into management in a short period of time. Sofia grew up in an average household with both pa rents working in a factory. He r dad was eventually promoted to foreman. Mom and Dad would have different shifts so it was rare that they would have dinner together. Sofia has nice memories about Sundays since the family would go to church and have a nice dinner. Many of the relatives would gather each week at a different house. Sofia has 6 siblings. Sofia was initially considered an underachiever in the early years of school. Sh e chose not to attend college because she wanted to get out in the work force for money. SUBSTANCE USE HISTORY: Sofia indicates she is a social drinker. Throug h collaborative contact from her wife, she confirms Sofia is a social drinker. Her wife believed Sofia might be taking something else once in a while since Sofia’s behavior is very different than her normal behavior sometimes . MEDICAL HISTORY: Sofia has no significant medical history. Sh e has had the normal childhood illnesses. With extensive toxicology , there wa s no evidence of drugs or alcohol in Sofia’s system. FAMILY ISSUES AND DYNAMICS: Sofia is currently married with three children, one dau ghter and two sons. This is her only marriage. Through c ollaborative discussion with her wife, she indicates Sofia is a great provider and keeps the family financially stable. There was that one incident when she was hospitalized but overall their relationship has been good. More recently, Sofia has been feeling really good “on top of the world.” This feeling lasts a few days. Sh e then would have angry outbursts and act out and punch the wall. Her wife believed this was due to Sofia’s lack of sleep. Sofia said she was not tired, and her wife noticed Sofia would play video games most of the night , then go to work in the morning with no difficulty . Her wife worries about their financial state because Sofia would be buying big items but there is no evidence of financial difficulty. MENTAL STATUS EXAM: Sofia presents as a neatly dressed fe m ale who appears younger than her stated age. Her nails are neatly groomed. Facial expressions are appropriate to thought content. Motor activit y is appropriate. Thoughts are logical and organized. There is no evidence of hallucinations. Sofia admitted to a history of s uicidal ideation years ago. Her mood is up and excited. During the interview, Sofia talked fast. She indicated this is becaus e she feels tense but this is not unusual for her. Sofia reports she is concerned about her concentration since she is so worried about her wife leaving with the children. Sofia cannot understand what is wrong. Sofia is oriented to time, place, and perso n. Her intelligence appears above average.