In early 2020, the United States government had more than $23 trillion in debt (approximately $80,000 for every U.S. citizen) outstanding in the form of Treasury bills, notes, and bonds. That number i

Discussion 3

Introduction of DQ3

This is a very real-life question which our Government has been facing since the financial crisis of 2007-2008 and again now with the coronavirus in 2020.  With interest rates falling after both crisis to historical lows, which they are still by and large at today but will begin rising slowly again, the Government has a tough decision, especially with regards to the old debt it issued at higher interest rates to finance the Government. Refinance that debt?  If so, for how long of a period of time and at what rate of interest are buyers willing to go out when buying the new Government T-bills, bonds, etc.?

Reminder: Depth and Breadth of Your Responses