1 - Oil Spill Bioremeditation Laboratory Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Oil Spill Bioremediation investigation manual. This lab will enable you to simulate the bioremediation of


Sustaining Biodiversity and Ecosystems 

Vernessa Combs

SCI 207

Before starting this course, I regarded environmental issues foremost as a global concern rather than an individual one. I believed that I have minimal impact on the surroundings, and any changes I can make regarding environmental sustainability would have a negligible effect. In this new course, I hope to learn how I can be a more environmentally conscious person by always considering the environmental impact of the food I consume, clothes I purchase, water, and the power I use.

Nonetheless, there are several concerns I have regarding this class, what if I am converted to a conservationist who abhors any innovation or product that has environmental risk. Secondly, I fear that I might start loathing people who are not environmentally conscious. In this regard, there are several strategies I have put in place to address them. Foremost, I will be focusing on one environmentally sustaining measure per week. For example, during the first week, I will focus on reducing my water footprint only.

The first week of class was exciting and educational as I learned about the three most significant aspects of environmental sustainability, namely; carbon, water, and ecological footprint. I also learned about the importance of biodiversity and ecosystems in our everyday lives. It surprised me that a majority of people are so unconcerned with biodiversity and ecosystems. Yet, they are vital for humans to exist and flourish by providing diversified nutrition and medicine. I found it frustrating that although the adverse effects of environmental destruction are visible and felt across the whole world, the issue of ecological sustainability is not given the concern it rightfully deserves.

I did not know that my everyday behaviors, even the most insignificant to me, adds an enormous strain to the earth. There are several changes I would defiantly make to reduce my ecological footprint including;

  1. I will reduce my use of single-use disposable plastic shopping bags.

  2. Rather than drying all my laundry in the dryer, I would sundry them on a clothing line.

  3. I would ensure that I recycle more responsibly.

  4. Whenever possible, I will carpool with my friends to reduce the number of miles in the drive.

  5. I will spend less time in the shower and reduce the number of times in a week I spend in the bathtub.