1 - Oil Spill Bioremeditation Laboratory Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Oil Spill Bioremediation investigation manual. This lab will enable you to simulate the bioremediation of


Ecological Footprint Update and Course Reflection

Vernessa Combs

SCI 207

July 6, 2020

Ecological Footprint Update and Course Reflection

Human activity has continued to harm the earth's atmosphere and consequently, the climate itself. Energy use accounts for a significant portion of the greenhouse gas emissions that continue to erode the ozone layer and change climates across the country. About 60% of greenhouse gas emissions can be linked to the burning of fuels to produce energy that is used in everyday activities such as heating, electricity, transport and manufacturing industries.

Throughout the course, I have observed the significance of energy conservation on the environment. Conservation of energy, which involves cutting back on the usage of power whenever possible, is one of the methods through which people can maintain the sustainability of the earth's resources without depleting the environment irreversibly.

In the course of this study, I have found overwhelming evidence of the impact of climate change on river formations and other water bodies. The dumping of harmful substances on river beds, as well as extreme changes in the atmosphere, such as droughts and floods, have significantly shifted river formulations, changed the salinity of the water in these rivers, and affected the soil pH and nutritional values.

This evidence suggests that in the course of producing energy, waste substances are usually provided. Energy conservation is essential in coming up with solutions to this problem. One solution to this problem is recycling, cutting down on energy usage, and alternative sources of energy. More sustainable sources of energy, such as solar power, have much lower carbon emissions compared to causes such as coal, which have been responsible for the contamination of rivers, lakes and oceans around the world.

From a more personal perspective, I have been surprised to discover the significance of each person's environmental footprint. In the course of the study, I took note of my Environmental Footprint Reduction Efforts, aiming to understand which aspects of my life most significantly contribute to the depletion of the environment. To achieve this, I implemented some changes in my daily activities, such as walking instead of using my car, switching off lights whenever possible and making maximum use of natural light whenever possible, reducing consumption of water and constructing a water filtration system for any wastewater that can be utilized in different ways, and finally, changing my diet to consist of mostly vegetables.

While some of my efforts proved to be useful in the reduction of my Carbon footprint, other measures did not seem significant as there was no way of measuring the significance of my actions. For example, while I was able to measure how much water I saved in a week by comparing my consumption with previous weeks, I was not able to do the same for my diet. This is because, while I am aware of the negative impacts that meat processing has on the environment, I have no way of controlling this production through my personal decision not to eat meat.

Overall, the project was enlightening and especially significant in modern times as we continue to observe evidence of climate change daily as a result of our activities. One essential lesson that I have learnt from this study is the significance of our carbon footprints on the overall change in the climate.