During this semester, you are to complete and report on 8 Unique Acts of Kindness. These Acts are not merely using good manners and basic civility. Acts need to be: 1) planned before the event, 2) req

UAK (Unique Acts of Kindness)

During this semester, you are asked to complete and report on 8 Unique Acts of Kindness. These Acts are not merely using good manners and basic civility. Acts need to be: 1) planned before the event, 2) requiring effort, 3) undertaken without any need/expectation for reciprocation.

On the first line, tell me what you did (briefly). Below that, describe what impact it had on either you or the target of your kindness. Be honest and gain something. I'm not looking for little things like holding the doors for "old ladies." Think impact.

(12-point Times Roman Font, 1.5-line spacing format in Reaction section, use all the space provided)

1. Act:


2. Act:


3. Act:


4. Act:


5. Act:


6. Act:


7. Act:


8. Act:


Big Picture: What did you learn about the world and yourself?


Thank you for doing your best with this assignment!