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Business Driven Information Systems

Business Driven information systems

Katherine Askew


Ezam Mohammed

June 8, 2020

Business Driven Information Systems

For business growth, the role played by technology and information systems cannot be underestimated. For various business, there are specific information systems that are applicable depending on nature and the purpose performed by the information system (Kasemsap, 2018). Usually, as the business seeks to implement the information system (IS), there need to be some considerations, this can be in terms of cost-benefit analysis that helps in determining how suitable the system will be under the objectives of the business (Bai, Koveos & Liu, 2018). Karen is one of the entrepreneurs who seek to expand her business through the implementation of IS. There are various IS that are used in business today; this ranges from decisional support making; this is a form of IS that helps management in decision making. Other IS includes, transaction processing which helps in processing business activities, database management system, which allows an organization to manage its data and information as well as an office information system which enables the company to distribute and disseminate information more effectively.

Businesses share a close relationship with various information systems, depending on what is entailed in these processes. For instance, a company when it comes to making sales to customers, this is a business process that requires the handling of large amounts of data that needs to be handled with great care owing to the sensitivity of the data involved. At the same time, owing to the number of data included, it becomes hard for the company to handle the vast amounts of data without any intervention efficiently. Information system comes in here; it helps is a simplification of this by maintaining a company to effectively manage such data involved in transactions and also helps in attaining high levels of protection to customer’s information. Therefore the relationship exhibited between the business information systems expresses how business processes made to be more manageable by the implementation of this important aspect of technology.

Handling of Customer information is usually one of the primary concerns for many businesses, sometimes a business needs to retain some information about the user, and this is the most critical part. Storage of customer’s data such as the credit card number this there needs to be treated with utmost care for the business to avoid any legal liability that may occur in the industry as a result of any failure to protect customer’s data. With data storage being the major issue with IS, hackers, and many other threats expose businesses and IS to a myriad of challenges when handling customer’s data. Ethics also applies when handling customer’s data. In most cases, companies using IS clear on the nature of data it can share with third parties. This is usually to enhance service delivery. The Ethical issues surround the sharing of personally identifiable information (PII), exposing customer’s buying behavior and financial data, which is mainly associated with the storage of information held by the company.


Bai, L., Koveos, P., & Liu, M. (2018). Applying an ontology-augmenting XBRL model to accounting information system for business integration. Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics25(1-2), 75-97.

Kasemsap, K. (2018). The role of information system within enterprise architecture and their impact on business performance. In Global Business Expansion: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1078-1102). IGI Global.